NObW | that you've | learned | how to | - |
| |
lock channels or censor your |
| ||||
viewing, using the Movie Ratings |
| ||||
or Parental (TV) Guidelines, let's |
| ||||
review what you've done. The |
| ||||
SmartLock | Review feature | allows | 02+ |
| OFF |
| ||
you to see | what has | been blocked. | SETUP |
Whenever | the | the Menu | button | is | ISmar'd_ock | I_ I | MOVIE RATINGS | |
pressed | onscreen | menu | will be |
| ||
displayed | with the SmartLock | 8RIGHJNESS | II' | ....... 30 |
| |||
Review | highlighted. |
| COLOR | ll' | ....... 30 | PARENTAL GUIDELINE |
,_ Press the MENU button on theBLOCK NO BATING OFF remote to show the onscreen menu.
SmartLock REVIEW will be high-
<,, Press the CURSOR RIGHT
•button and the SmartLock
Review Menu will appear.
This menu will display what chan- nels have been blocked; what
Movie Ratings have been blocked; what Parental (TV Ratings) Guideline have been blocked. This review screen will also display the status of Unrated and No Rating
settings. If the Master Disable fea- ture has been turned ON, the SmartLock Review screen will dis-
play "SmartLock DISABLED".
CHANNELS BLOCKED - Shows all blocked channels that where set with- in the CHANNELS BLOCKED feature, Up to 5 channels may be blocked at
one t hire+
MOVIE RATINGS - Shows all blocked Movie Ratings that were set within the MOVIE RATINGS feature. All or some may be blocked at o_e time. Note: ffa lower rating is blocked, this will automatically cause the higher ratings to he blocked also. (i.e., if R is set to he blocked, X will automatical- ly be blocked also.)
5 10 12 32 45
within the PARENTAL GUIDELINES feature, All or some may he blocked |
| ||||||
PARENTAL GUIDELINE - Shows all blocked TV Ratings that were set |
| |||||
at one time. Note: If a lower rating is blocked; this will automatically cause |
| RX |
| |||||
the higher ratings to be blocked also, (i.e., ifTV- L4 is set to he blocked. TV- |
| |||||
MA will automatically he blocked.) Parental Guidelines also have sub ratings |
| x PARENTAL | GUIDELINE | |||||||
for Violecce (V). Fantasy Violence (FV). Sexual Situations (S). Coarse |
| |||||||||
| ||||||
Language (L), and Suggestive Language (n). If the main rating is lumed off |
| 14 | MA |
| |||||
but the sub rating is turned ON, the program will be blocked but the rating |
| |||||||
will not appear within the SmartLock Review menu. |
| ||||
BLOCK UNRATED | - Shows | ON | or OFF | depending on | the status ol'the | BLOCK UNRATED | ON | |||
BLO(?K UNRAq_D | feature. | Based | on the | Movte Ratings | or Pareneal (TV) |
BLOCK NO RATING - Shows ON or OFF depending BLOCK NO RATING feature. Based on programming
adviso,V dala
on the status of the with NO contem