Audio/Video Inputs • These connectors (phono type plug) receive audio and video signals from VCRs or other devices.
Auto Program • The procedure of adding or deleting channel numbers into the Television’s memory. The Television “remem- bers’’ only the locally available or desired channel numbers and skips over any unwanted channel numbers.
Closed Caption • Broadcast standard which allows you to read the voice content of television programs on the TV screen. Designed to help the hearing impaired, this feature uses on- screen "text boxes" to show dialog and conversations while the TV program is in progress.
Coaxial Cable • A single solid antenna wire normally matched with a metal
Menu • An
Remote Sensor • A window or opening on the Television con- trol panel through which infrared remote control signals are received.
Status/Exit • Allows the user to quickly confirm the current channel number. Status can also be used to clear the Television of
Surf • Scanning specific channels in a limited channel list.
Tuner Mode • Designed for first time set up and use where the TV is set for antenna or cable TV signal connections.
Twin Lead Wire • The more commonly used name for the two strand 300 Ohm antenna wire used with many indoor and out- door antenna systems. In many cases this type of antenna wire requires an additional adapter (or balun) in order to connect to the 75 Ohm Input terminals on recent Televisions and VCRs.