Philips DVDR 725H/00, DVDR 725H/02 manual Symbols on your DVD recorder display

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The DVD recorder display

The symbols on your DVD recorder display

These symbols can light up on your DVD recorder display:

Multi-function display/text line •) Clock.

•) Disc/title playing time •) Title name.

•) Display of the programme number of the TV channel/playing time/channel name/function.

•) Display of information and alerts.

•) Display of the title from the actual recording.

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIPosition/Diskbar: Displays the current position on the HDD/disc.

Time Shift Buffer Displays the elapsed time. If all segments lits, the

oldest recording will be deleted from the Time Shift Buffer. Play/Record: No segment will lit at the current position. Pause: Flashing segment at the current position.

Stop: Nothing appears.

SAT An automatic recording from a satellite receiver (SAT recording) has been programmed.

TIMER A recording (timer) has been programmed.

o((( A remote control signal has been received.

VPS/PDC Video programming system / programme delivery control: A VPS or PDC code is transmitted for the selected TV program.

LANG II During playback a 2-channel tone was detected or a 2-channel tone was received. 'I' or 'II' lights up depending on which sound channel has been selected.

Messages in the DVD recorder display


The following messages may appear in your DVD recorder display

￿￿￿￿ ￿￿￿ The DVD recorder is in initial installation mode. Switch the TV on, then read the paragraph on 'Initial installation' in 'Installing your DVD recorder'.

￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ No input signal available (signal inadequate or unstable).

￿￿￿￿The menu on the screen is active.

￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ Disc tray opening.

￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ Disc tray open.

￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ Disc tray closing.

￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ Disc being read.

￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ Once recording has been successfully completed the table of contents is created.

￿￿￿￿￿￿ ￿￿￿￿ The menu structure is created after the first recording has been made on a new disc.

￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ You received a copy-protected signal. This may come from a copy-protected DVD/videotape of a DVD/video player or from a TV channel.

During the display ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿no recording will be made. A running recording will be interrupted.

￿￿￿￿Please wait until this message disappears. The DVD recorder is busy performing a task.

￿￿￿￿￿￿ A disc has not been inserted for recording. If a disc has been inserted, it cannot be read.

￿￿￿￿Information about the inserted DVD is displayed on the screen.

￿￿￿￿The DVD recorder is processing the changes to make the disc DVD compatible.

￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ The entire DVD+RW is being erased.

￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ The DVD+RW, DVD+R inserted is either new or has been completely erased (no recordings).

￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ The DVD+RW, DVD+R inserted is protected against recording.

How to remove this protection you will read in the section 'Protect disc against accidental recordings' in the chapter 'Recording on a DVD+RW, DVD+R' .

￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ The maximum number of titles per disc/HDD has been reached. The maximum number of titles on a disc is 48 and on the HDD 499.


Image 102
Contents Page Page Table of contents Recording on the HDD Disc Manager DMPlayback from the HDD Recording on a DVD+RW, DVD+RDVD recorder display Access control Child LockInformation on the screen of your TV95 107Introduction Convenience of watchingConvenience of editing Convenience of programmingConvenience of recording Convenience of archivingDo not Move the SET When Switched on Instructions for the HDDAlaser Trademark and license information This manual was in consideration of IECContent of the box Remote control Introduction to the setControl buttons Info System MenuDisc Menu Browser HDDFront of the device Back of the device PlateInstallation Preparing the remote control for operationYour DVD remote control With your TV Scart cable Connecting to the TV standard configurationAerial With the aerial cable onlyVia a S Y/C cable Connecting to the TV alternative configurationsVia composite video Cvbs Cable Via a component video Pb Pr/YUV cable no progressive scanPlease observe the color sequence Video + YPbPrCvbs + YPbPr 0End with System Menu aConnecting additional devices Connecting additional devices to the second scart socketAn external receiver Connecting G transmitter Connecting additional devices via aerial cable onlyHow do I find the right position? Connecting a camcorder to the front sockets DV input socket Input socketCvbs input socket Audio devices to the digital audio Sockets Connecting audio devicesTo the analog audio sockets Can I use the Phono input on my amplifier?Switching on additional devices Initial InstallationConnecting to the mains No aerial connectedLetterbox Panscan1609 Initial installation is now complete No TV-Stations found yet?Sound may be distorted on some TV channels Language Initial Installation of the Guide Plus+ systemSetting up the Guide Plus+ System CountrySet External receiverCannot enter a local post code My receiver does not display the programme number My brand is not included in the listChannel r S Want to install additional external receivers My external receiver does not display the programme numberEnd using GUIDE/TV J Finalise set up of the external receiverDont switch off the Guide Plus+ data channel Right tile Left tileAllocating a decoder Additional installation featuresSetting will flush the Time Shift Buffer Message appears on the screen that the change of thisSorting TV channels with Follow TV Cannot switch my TV to programme numberSwitch off recorder, new preset appears on the screen Select programme number 1 on the TVManual TV channel search TV channel name, press C MNicam Sorting and deleting TV channels manually Deleting TV channelsAutomatic TV channel search Them with the REC/OTR n 1 button first. Refer toSetting the time and date Time/date is displayed incorrectly despite manual settingAudio Language Setting the languageSelect the appropriate line and confirm with C M MenuUsing the Guide Plus+ System Guide Plus+ SystemGeneral information Grid screen Home blue buttonG Search screenRecord red buttonD Return to the current time in the listing Grid screenProgramming from the Grid screen Schedule screenInfo screen Programming from the Schedule screenEditor screen Setup screenSetup View DemoCode Playback from an optical discDiscs you can use DiscsPlaying a DVD video disc Opening/closing the tray using the remote controlInserting a disc Over to the actual TV channel during PlaybackPlaying a DVD+RW/ +R disc Playing an audio CDPress the Play G R button MP3 CD display Playing an MP3 CDPlaying a Super Video CD Cannot playback SuperVideo CDsSearching on disc DVD, SVCD, CD Additional playback featuresGeneral Still picture DVD, SVCD, CDRepeat/Shuffle play DVD, Svcd Scan feature DVDSearch by time DVD, Svcd Passage aCamera angle DVD Zoom feature DVD, SvcdF symbol will be hidden Select the audio language DVD, SvcdSubtitles DVD Disc Manager DM General informationAdding a disc to the Disc Manager Why do I need to label the discs? Disc contents are not deletedRemoving discs from the Disc Manager What do the displays on the screen mean? Searching for a title in the Disc ManagerSearching discs See the message Insert disc number on my screenPlayback from the HDD Media BrowserAuto delete Change order in the media browser Colour key functionality in the Media BrowserTime Shift Buffer What is the advantage from 1 hour and 6 hours?Time Shift Buffer HDD bufferBy time Additional playback featuresFeature It is not possible to select Time searchUseful information Recoding modeRecording on the HDD Preferences/ChaptersRecording with data from Guide Plus+ system Start manual recordingsFlush/erase the Time Shift Buffer Recording without data from Guide Plus+ systemEnd recordings Recordings from the Time Shift BufferRecording from a camcorder connected to the front sockets How can I delete the changes?Red light around the record button n 0 is flashing Copy protection Recording from a video recorder/DVD playerStop h N Please observeDirect record does not work or recording starts from EXT1 Direct RecordDirect Record on or off 6End with System Menu aAutomatic recording from a satellite receiver sat recording Recording on a DVD+RW, DVD+R You can useWay compatibility Jump Back T , Jump FWD W What is the order of archiving?Archiving storing titles on a DVD+RW, DVD+R Interrupt the processFinalising a DVD+R Protect disc against accidental recordingsWhat happens with DVD+R discs? Using the Time Shift Buffer Programming a recording TimerWhat is VPS/PDC? What do I need to know about VPS/PDC?Programming recordings with the Guide Plus+ System Guide Plus+ systemPlease enter programme number appears on the screen Setting up repeat recordingsProgramming recordings with the ShowView System Activate VPS/PDCManual programmed recordings Delete programmed recording How to change or delete a programmed recording TimerCancel a programmed recording in progress Changing the TV channelEdit title on HDD Delete titles/recordings from the HDDChange the name of the title Editing the title stored on the HDDTitle name Clear chaptersEnter characters using Editing the recorded nameDivide title Insert/remove chapter markersInsert chapter markers Hide chapters sections Remove chapter markerChapter is visible and can be hidden with the blue button G Archiving of the edited title symbol a How can I change delete the markers?OK L Edit title DVD+RW, DVD+R Index picture of the recordingMy Index-screen looks different Will appear on the screen Insert chapter markersCan markers be set on a DVD+R disc? 3To stop this function, press EditSwitching quickly Hiding chaptersNumber of chapters C has increased by two or more numbers Deleting chapter markers Changing the index pictureHow can I select different chapters? Can I divide titles on DVD+R discs? Dividing titlesEditing recording titles name How can I enter the characters with the buttons 0..9 ?Playing the entire title Erasing recordings/titlesCan titles be deleted from a DVD+R disc? Disc information and status Disc namePress Disc Menu B Editing DVD+R discsDVD+RW Discs Menu overview PictureSet up User preferences / settings Zoom Record modeAudio Time searchHDD buffer Camera modeChapters Sat recordJump forward Safety SlotInstallation Jump backTV shape User preferences /settingsPicture settings Black level shiftScart video Sound settingsNight mode Digital outputLanguage settings Additional settingsAuto resume Disk feature menuAccess Control Finalise discChild lock Access control Child LockChild lock HDD, DVD, Svcd DiscCountry Parental level control DVDParental level control What do the ratings mean?Changing the PIN code Have forgotten my codeField for temporary messages Symbols in the menu barInformation on the screen of your TV BarType symbols Symbols in the Media BrowserSymbols in the Time Shift Buffer Mode symbolsSymbols on your DVD recorder display DVD recorder displayMessages in the DVD recorder display An empty title on a DVD+RW, DVD+R is selected Before you call an engineer BImportant100 No playback on DVD recorder101 Press GUIDE/TV JPROBLEM/HINTS Solution 102Press Browser HDD H and then System Menu a 103Hidden scenes on a DVD+RW are still visible on my End with System Menu aFirst press Disc Menu B then System Menu a 104Have forgotten End with System Menu a EnglishNtsc Glossary105 PAL106 Remote control codes Finlux 208, 209, 211, 212, 250 333, 334 332 283108 MGA109 3103 605 4521/000Technical data Audio Format DVD/CD playbackDvdr 725H/00 Philips Norge AS Philips PORTUGUESA, S.A

DVDR 725H/02, DVDR 725H/00 specifications

The Philips DVDR 725H/00 and DVDR 725H/02 are versatile DVD recorders that combine functionality with modern digital technology, providing an all-in-one solution for today's home entertainment needs. These models are part of Philips' acclaimed line of digital recording devices, designed for users who want to archive their videos and enjoy multimedia in the comfort of their homes.

At the core of the DVDR 725H series is a built-in hard disk drive (HDD), allowing users to effortlessly record, pause, and rewind live television. With storage capacity options that vary across models, users can save numerous hours of their favorite shows and movies, providing them with the flexibility to watch content at their leisure. The impressive HDD also supports the Time Shift feature, enabling viewers to enjoy real-time playback without missing a moment.

One of the standout features of the DVDR 725H/00 and DVDR 725H/02 is their dual-layer recording capability. This feature lets users burn DVDs with significantly more storage space, accommodating extended play times without compromising quality. With compatibility for various disc formats, including DVD-R, DVD+R, and DVD-RW, users can easily choose their preferred media for recording and playback.

The device is equipped with Philips' unique Video Recording format, which guarantees high-quality video and audio output. Additionally, its progressive scan technology provides smoother and clearer images, making it ideal for watching movies and sports. The user-friendly interface, combined with a remote control, simplifies navigation, allowing users to record, edit, and manage their media effortlessly.

Connectivity is another advantage of the DVDR 725H series, as it includes inputs for both analog and digital sources, allowing seamless integration with a wide range of media devices. Users can connect camcorders, gaming consoles, or set-top boxes, enhancing their recording options and enriching their viewing experience.

In conclusion, the Philips DVDR 725H/00 and DVDR 725H/02 are equipped with advanced recording technologies and features ideal for those looking to digitize their cherished memories. The combination of a reliable HDD, high-quality recording formats, and flexible connectivity make these models a valuable addition to any home entertainment system. Whether users are looking to archive their favorite series or playback treasured family moments, the DVDR 725H series rises to the occasion with precision and performance.