Philips DVDR 725H/05 manual Symbols on your DVD recorder display

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The DVD recorder display

The symbols on your DVD recorder display

These symbols can light up on your DVD recorder display:

Multi-function display/text line •) Clock.

•) Disc/title playing time •) Title name.

•) Display of the programme number of the TV channel/playing time/channel name/function.

•) Display of information and alerts.

•) Display of the title from the actual recording.

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIPosition/Diskbar: Displays the current position on the HDD/disc.

Time Shift Buffer Displays the elapsed time. If all segments lits, the

oldest recording will be deleted from the Time Shift Buffer. Play/Record: No segment will lit at the current position. Pause: Flashing segment at the current position.

Stop: Nothing appears.

SAT An automatic recording from a satellite receiver (SAT recording) has been programmed.

TIMER A recording (timer) has been programmed.

o((( A remote control signal has been received.

VPS/PDC Video programming system / programme delivery control: A VPS or PDC code is transmitted for the selected TV program.

LANG II During playback a 2-channel tone was detected or a 2-channel tone was received. 'I' or 'II' lights up depending on which sound channel has been selected.

Messages in the DVD recorder display


The following messages may appear in your DVD recorder display

￿￿￿￿ ￿￿￿ The DVD recorder is in initial installation mode. Switch the TV on, then read the paragraph on 'Initial installation' in 'Installing your DVD recorder'.

￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ No input signal available (signal inadequate or unstable).

￿￿￿￿The menu on the screen is active.

￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ Disc tray opening.

￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ Disc tray open.

￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ Disc tray closing.

￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ Disc being read.

￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ Once recording has been successfully completed the table of contents is created.

￿￿￿￿￿￿ ￿￿￿￿ The menu structure is created after the first recording has been made on a new disc.

￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ You received a copy-protected signal. This may come from a copy-protected DVD/videotape of a DVD/video player or from a TV channel.

During the display ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿no recording will be made. A running recording will be interrupted.

￿￿￿￿Please wait until this message disappears. The DVD recorder is busy performing a task.

￿￿￿￿￿￿ A disc has not been inserted for recording. If a disc has been inserted, it cannot be read.

￿￿￿￿Information about the inserted DVD is displayed on the screen.

￿￿￿￿The DVD recorder is processing the changes to make the disc DVD compatible.

￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ The entire DVD+RW is being erased.

￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ The DVD+RW, DVD+R inserted is either new or has been completely erased (no recordings).

￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ The DVD+RW, DVD+R inserted is protected against recording.

How to remove this protection you will read in the section 'Protect disc against accidental recordings' in the chapter 'Recording on a DVD+RW, DVD+R' .

￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ The maximum number of titles per disc/HDD has been reached. The maximum number of titles on a disc is 48 and on the HDD 499.


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Contents Page Page Table of contents Recording on the HDD Disc Manager DMPlayback from the HDD Recording on a DVD+RW, DVD+RDVD recorder display Access control Child LockInformation on the screen of your TV95 TV brands supported code numbersIntroduction Convenience of watchingConvenience of editing Convenience of programmingConvenience of recording Convenience of archivingDo not Move the SET When Switched on Important instructions for the HDDAlaser Trademark and license information Important information for customers in Great BritainContent of the box Remote control and batteries Mains cable TransmitterRemote control Remote control buttonsIntroduction to the set Info System MenuDisc Menu Browser HDDFront of the device Back of the device Type plateInstallation Preparing the remote control for operationUsing your DVD remote control With your TV Connecting the scart cable Connecting to the TV standard configurationConnecting the aerial Connection with the aerial cable onlyConnection via a S Y/C cable Connecting to the TV alternative configurationsConnection via composite video Cvbs cable PreparationPlease observe the color sequence Video + YPbPrCvbs + YPbPr 0End with System Menu aConnecting additional devices Connecting additional devices to the second scart socketConnecting an external receiver Connecting G transmitter Connecting additional devices via aerial cable onlyHow do I find the right position? Connecting a camcorder to the front sockets Digital DV input socket Input socketVideo Cvbs input socket Connecting audio devices to the digital audio sockets Connecting audio devicesConnecting to the analog audio sockets Can I use the Phono input on my amplifier?Switching on additional devices Initial InstallationConnecting to the mains No aerial connectedLetterbox Panscan1609 Please have patience Initial installation is now completeNo TV-Stations found yet? Sound may be distorted on some TV channelsLanguage Initial Installation of the Guide Plus+ systemSetting up the Guide Plus+ System CountryFinalise set External receiverCannot enter a local post code If you do not find your brand, proceed as follows My receiver does not display the programme numberMy brand is not included in the list Channel r SConfirm with OK L on the remote control Want to install additional external receiversMy external receiver does not display the programme number Finalise set up of the external receiver Dont switch off the Guide Plus+ data channel Right tileLeft tile Additional installation features Allocating a decoderUsing Standby m Cannot switch my TV to programme numberSwitch off recorder, new preset appears on the screen Sorting TV channels with Follow TVManual TV channel search TV channel name, press C MNicam Switch off the DVD recorder using Standby m Sorting and deleting TV channels manuallyDeleting TV channels Automatic TV channel search Autoinstall Setting the time and date Time/date is displayed incorrectly despite manual settingSetting the language Audio LanguageMenu Using the Guide Plus+ System Guide Plus+ SystemGeneral information Grid screen Home blue buttonG Search screenRecord red buttonD Colours of the categoriesProgramming from the Grid screen Schedule screenInfo screen Programming from the Schedule screenEditor screen Setup screenSetup View DemoDiscs you can use Cleaning the discsPlayback from an optical disc Regional codeInserting a disc Switch over to the actual TV channel during playbackOpening/closing the tray using the remote control Playing a DVD video discPlaying a DVD+RW/ +R disc Playing an audio CDMP3 CD display Playing an MP3 CDPlaying a Super Video CD Cannot playback SuperVideo CDsSearching on disc DVD, SVCD, CD Additional playback featuresGeneral Still picture DVD, SVCD, CDRepeat/Shuffle play DVD, Svcd Scan feature DVDSearch by time DVD, Svcd Repeating a passage aCamera angle DVD Zoom feature DVD, SvcdF symbol will be hidden Select the audio language DVD, SvcdSubtitles DVD Disc Manager DM General informationAdding a disc to the Disc Manager Why do I need to label the discs? Disc contents are not deletedRemoving discs from the Disc Manager What do the displays on the screen mean? Searching for a title in the Disc ManagerSearching discs See the message Insert disc number on my screenPlayback from the HDD Auto deleteChange order in the media browser Colour key functionality in the Media BrowserNavigation in the Time Shift Buffer What is the advantage from 1 hour and 6 hours?Time Shift Buffer HDD bufferSearch by time Additional playback featuresZoom feature RepeatUseful information Recoding modeRecording on the HDD Preferences/ChaptersStarting a recording with data from the Guide Plus+ system Start manual recordingsFlush/erase the Time Shift Buffer Press REC/OTR nEnd recordings Recordings from the Time Shift BufferRecording from a camcorder connected to the front sockets How can I delete the changes?Red light around the record button n 0 is flashing Copy protection Recording from a video recorder/DVD playerStop h N Please observeDirect record does not work or recording starts from EXT1 Switching Direct Record on or offDirect Record 6End with System Menu aAutomatic recording from a satellite receiver sat recording Recording on a DVD+RW, DVD+R Discs you can useTwo way compatibility Jump Back T , Jump FWD W What is the order of archiving?Archiving storing titles on a DVD+RW, DVD+R Interrupt the processFinalising a DVD+R Protect disc against accidental recordingsWhat happens with DVD+R discs? Programming a recording Timer Using the Time Shift BufferWhat do I need to know about VPS/PDC? Programming recordings with the Guide Plus+ System Guide Plus+ systemVideo Plus+ system appears on the screen Setting up repeat recordingsProgramming recordings with the Video PLus+ System Activate VPS/PDCManual programmed recordings Delete programmed recording How to change or delete a programmed recording TimerCancel a programmed recording in progress Changing the TV channelDelete titles/recordings from the HDD Unprotect the title using the blue function button GEdit title on HDD On the screenClear chapters Editing the title stored on the HDDTitle name Video editEnter characters using Editing the recorded nameDivide title Insert chapter markers Insert/remove chapter markersHide chapters sections Remove chapter markerArchiving of the edited title symbol a How can I change delete the markers?OK L Edit title DVD+RW, DVD+R My Index-screen looks differentCan markers be set on a DVD+R disc? Insert chapter markersHiding chapters Will appear on the screenNumber of chapters C has increased by two or more numbers Switching quicklyDeleting chapter markers This function is independent from the selected lineChanging the index picture Dividing titlesCan I divide titles on DVD+R discs? Editing recording titles name Playing the entire titleHow can I enter the characters with the buttons 0..9 ? Erasing recordings/titles Can titles be deleted from a DVD+R disc?Disc information and status Changing the disc namePress Disc Menu B Finishing editing Finalising DVD+R discsErasing DVD+RW Discs Menu overview PictureSet up User preferences / settings Zoom Record modeAudio Time searchHDD buffer Camera modeChapters Sat recordJump forward Safety SlotInstallation Jump backTV shape User preferences /settingsPicture settings Black level shiftScart video Sound settingsNight mode Digital outputLanguage settings Additional settingsAuto resume Disk feature menuAccess Control Finalise discActivating/deactivating child lock Access control Child LockChild lock HDD, DVD, Svcd Authorising a discChanging the country Parental level control DVDActivating/deactivating parental level control What do the ratings mean?Changing the PIN code Have forgotten my codeField for temporary messages Symbols in the menu barInformation on the screen of your TV Menu barDisc type symbols Symbols in the Media BrowserSymbols in the Time Shift Buffer Operating mode symbolsSymbols on your DVD recorder display DVD recorder displayMessages in the DVD recorder display An empty title on a DVD+RW, DVD+R is selected BThere is no power supply check the power supply Before you call an engineerBImportant 100 No playback on DVD recorder101 Press GUIDE/TV JPROBLEM/HINTS Solution 102Press Browser HDD H and then System Menu a 103Hidden scenes on a DVD+RW are still visible on my End with System Menu aHave forgotten BTo erase the PIN code reset to 0000, proceed as follows104 First press Disc Menu B then System Menu aNtsc Glossary105 PAL106 TV brands supported code numbers 107108 MGAWwnnNNNwwnnwWNnwNwnNwnnNWnWwnN Dvdr 725H/05 109Technical data Audio Format DVD/CD playbackDvdr 725H/05 Philips Norge AS Philips PORTUGUESA, S.A