Step 1: Installing the Philips Media Manager (PMM)
&Insert the supplied CD into your computer’s CD drive.
If the CD does not start automatically,
é Please select your language, click on Install Media Manager and follow the
-If the screen Product Configuration appears, DO NOT tick WMA (Windows Media Audio) or WMV (Windows Media Video), as our TV does not support those contents.
-You can install the PMM on more than one computer in your home network.
-Make sure that the PMM is not blocked by the firewall installed on your PC.
“Select your PMM menu language.
You can select among a few available languages in the Settings menu.
‘Change the PMM server name
You can change the name of the PMM Server in the PMM Settings menu.This server name is important as it will be displayed on your TV when the PMM is detected. Possible names are “PC Study”,“PC John”, “PC bedroom”.
( Restart your PC after installing the PMM.