E9017FD_EN.qx3 03.8.6 10:13 AM Page 21
DVD Setup
Display Setting DVD-V
Use markers to memorise your favourite places on a disc.
2Press B to select CUSTOM, then press OK.
• CUSTOM mode will appear.
3Press s or B to select DISPLAY, then OK to confirm.
4Press K or L to select the below items, then press OK.
TV ASPECT : QUICK Press K or L for an item selection,
then press OK.
Select 4:3 LETTER BOX for a black bars appears on top and bottom of the screen.
Select 4:3 PAN & SCAN for a full height picture with both sides trimmed.
Select 16:9 WIDE if a
The default setting is 4:3 LETTER BOX.
Press OK repeatedly to turn Angle icon ON or OFF.
The default setting is ON.
Press OK repeatedly to turn Auto Power off ON or OFF.
The default setting is ON and it will turn the DVD system to off automatically after 35 minutes of no use.
5Press SYSTEM MENU/PROG to exit.
-Be sure to press SYSTEM MENU/PROG, or the setting will not work.
-You can also choose the item by pressing the numbers.
Language | Code | Language | Code | Language | Code | Language | Code |
| French [FRE] | 5264 | Macedonian | 5957 | Siswat | 6565 | |
Abkhazian | 4748 | Frisian | 5271 | Malagasy | 5953 | Slovak | 6557 |
Afar | 4747 | Galician | 5358 | Malay | 5965 | Slovenian | 6558 |
Afrikaans | 4752 | Georgian | 5747 | Malayalam | 5958 | Somali | 6561 |
Albanian | 6563 | German [GER] | 5051 | Maltese | 5966 | Spanish [SPA] | 5165 |
Amharic | 4759 | Greek [GRE] | 5158 | Maori | 5955 | Sundanese | 6567 |
Arabic | 4764 | Greenlandic | 5758 | Marathi | 5964 | Swahili | 6569 |
Armenian | 5471 | Guarani | 5360 | Moldavian | 5961 | Swedish [SWE] | 6568 |
Assamese | 4765 | Gujarati | 5367 | Mongolian | 5960 | T |
Aymara | 4771 | Hausa | 5447 | Nauru | 6047 | Tagalog | 6658 |
Azerbaijani | 4772 | Hebrew | 5569 | Nepali | 6051 | Tajik | 6653 |
Bashkir | 4847 | Hindi | 5455 | Norwegian [NOR] | 6061 | Tamil | 6647 |
Basque | 5167 | Hungarian [HUN] | 5467 |
| Tatar | 6666 | |
Bengali;Bangla | 4860 |
| Occitan | 6149 | Telugu | 6651 | |
Bhutani | 5072 | Icelandic [ICE] | 5565 | Oriya | 6164 | Thai | 6654 |
Bihari | 4854 | Indonesian | 5560 | Oromo(Afan) | 6159 | Tibetan | 4861 |
Bislama | 4855 | Interlingua | 5547 | Panjabi | 6247 | Tigrinya | 6655 |
Breton | 4864 | Interlingue | 5551 | Pashto;Pushto | 6265 | Tonga | 6661 |
Bulgarian | 4853 | Inupiak | 5557 | Persian | 5247 | Tsonga | 6665 |
Burmese | 5971 | Irish [IRI] | 5347 | Polish | 6258 | Turkish [TUR] | 6664 |
Byelorussian | 4851 | Italian [ITA] | 5566 | Portuguese [POR] | 6266 | Turkmen | 6657 |
| Japanese [JPN] | 5647 | Quechua | 6367 | Twi | 6669 | |
Cambodian | 5759 | Javanese | 5669 | 6459 |
| ||
Catalan | 4947 | Kannada | 5760 | Romanian [RUM] | 6461 | Ukrainian | 6757 |
Chinese [CHI] | 7254 | Kashmiri | 5765 | Russian [RUS] | 6467 | Urdu | 6764 |
Corsican | 4961 | Kazakh | 5757 | S |
| Uzbek | 6772 |
Croatian | 5464 | Kinyarwanda | 6469 | Samoan | 6559 | Vietnamese | 6855 |
Czech | 4965 | Kirghiz | 5771 | Sangho | 6553 | Volapuk | 6861 |
Danish [DAN] | 5047 | Kirundi | 6460 | Sanskrit | 6547 | Welsh | 4971 |
Dutch [DUT] | 6058 | Korean [KOR] | 5761 | Scots Gaelic | 5350 | Wolof | 6961 |
English [ENG] | 5160 | Kurdish | 5767 | Serbian | 6564 | Xhosa | 7054 |
Esperanto | 5161 |
| 6554 | Yiddish | 5655 | ||
Estonian | 5166 | Laothian | 5861 | Sesotho | 6566 | Yoruba | 7161 |
| Latin | 5847 | Setswana | 6660 | Zulu | 7267 | |
Faroese | 5261 | Latvian;Lettish | 5868 | Shona | 6560 |
Fiji | 5256 | Lingala | 5860 | Sindhi | 6550 |
Finnish [FIN] | 5255 | Lithuanian | 5866 | Singhalese | 6555 |