TWO CHILDREN (Cabriolet and Corsaire)
1.Undo the two buckles located at the top of the padded shoulder harness, leaving it attached to the crotch belt, but flipped down.
2.Seat your child(ren).
3.Slide the shoulder belt height adjustment located on the vertical web straps, in the seat back, to the same height as your child(ren)'s shoulders.
4.Lift up the shoulder harness and connect the buckles over each shoulder. Be careful to not pinch your child's neck.
5.Adjust the system using the crotch belt and shoulder belt length adjustments until the Chariot logo located on the shoulder harness is positioned over their lower chest.
6.Buckle the waist belt(s) around their hips. The waist belt goes in front of the crotch belt and the buckle should be centered.
7.Snugly tighten all belts.
ONE CHILD (Cabriolet and Corsaire)
1.Use the center seating position.
2.Move a padded shoulder harness to the center seating position, thus using the center crotch belt and the two middle shoulder buckles.
3.Use the two middle waist belts and buckles.
4.The two outboard waist belts, two outboard crotch belts and one shoulder harness are not used. Safely tuck them aside in the carrier. Do not remove them.
5.Go to section TWO CHILDREN (Cabrilet)
1.Unbuckle and remove the padded shoulder harness from the carrier. To undo the buckle hidden behind the Chariot logo, squeeze in from the sides of the fabric cover.
2.Located on the upper front of the shoulder harness are three adjustment loops per side: two made of webbing,
one of cord. You will use these to fit the shoulder harness to one of four different sizes: XS, S, M & L.
3.To achieve the correct size, sleeve through or remove the shoulder belts with the plastic buckle through these adjustment loops, as indicated below:
XS: Do not sleeve through any adjustment loops; thus unsleeve the shoulder belts from all loops.
S:Only sleeve through the lowest webbing loop. When sized for XS and S, the
M:Sleeve through both webbing loops. This is the default setting.
L:Sleeve through both webbing loops and the top cord loop.
4.Reinstall the shoulder harness into the carrier using the three plastic buckles. The male buckle on the crotch belt clips into the female buckle behind the logo in the shoulder harness.
5.Go to section ONE CHILD or TWO CHILDREN.
Notes: The padded shoulder harness should be symmetrical and level (the Chariot logo should be horizontal). Do not cross the shoulder belts to use up extra shoulder belt length. Do not pass the shoulder harness under an infant's arms to hold them in a sitting position. Use a Baby Bivy, an Infant Sling or a Baby Supporter with a child that cannot sit upright unsupported.
1.12 Suspension Adjustments (Corsaire)
All Corsaire models come with adjustable suspension. Four adjustment ranges are suggested, but it can be used in any position. The weight ranges suggested are based on the carrier being used for cycling. The setting could be softer or stiffer for strolling/jogging. Experimenting may be required.
Softest Setting |
| Stiffest Setting |
4 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
NOTE: To determine the weight, you must com- bine the weight of the passengers and cargo. To adjust simply loosen the knob, slide bracket to desired weight range, and tighten the knob. NOTE: The bracket should be moved to the location next to the weights noted (not on top of the position).
If the suspension is making a hard "knocking" sound, it means the weight setting is too low and you need to slide the bracket further towards the rear. Typically, the suspension on both sides should be set to the same posi- tion/range, however it is possible to have them set to different positions if a lighter child is on one side and a heavier child on the other.
Note: the 4 positions outlined in table where 1 represents the lightest load and 4 repre- sents the heaviest load.