To Fold Stroller
1BEFORE FOLDING: Lock brakes.
Close canopy.
Push red button on handle with thumb, then press red lever under handle.
4 Fold as shown.
NOTE: Fold stroller so wheels face in. This will allow the stroller to stand on its own. DO NOT allow the front wheels to face out, as stroller could fall over.
5 Engage locking latch.
Care & Maintenance
• To keep your stroller running smoothly and avoid squeaking wheels use a silicone or graphite based lubricant. It is important to get it into the axle and the wheel assembly.
•Clean metal parts with a damp cloth and wipe dry.
•Clean woven fabric or vinyl parts with mild soap and water solution.
•Dry wet stroller with a soft cloth to prevent rusting.
•When storing stroller, never stack other items on top of it; this may damage the stroller.
•Periodically check for worn parts, loose screws, torn materials or stitching.
•Replace any damaged parts immediately.