Approval Architecture (IAA), an enhanced set of feedback tools, designed to liberate the photographer to focus on the shoot rather than the selection process. IAA triggers audible and visible signals for each image captured, telling the photographer immediately whether the image has a red, yellow or green light status. The information is recorded both in the file and in the file name, providing a quick and easy way to classify and select images, in the field or in the lab. A larger, enhanced OLED display in the new Hasselblad products provides a realistic, high quality and perfect contrast image view, even in bright sunlight, to allow instant
Ixpress CF
The Ixpress CF line of digital backs also offers many interesting options for high end solu- tions. 22Mpix digital capture is provided with the Hasselblad open camera interface, the
Ixpress C digital backs and 3rd party digital backs
With the older Ixpress C generation of products as well as with 3rd party digital backs the H2 will perform and deliver the exact same functionality of the H1. While therefore not pro- viding some of the latest developments and improvements of the Ixpress CF and Ixpress CFH units, it nevertheless will still provide tremendous quality and ease of use. As a medium format digital platform for any digital back, the H2 is second to none in the world today.
It is still a requirement for 3rd party product manufacturers to work under a Hasselblad license agreement to get access to the Hasselblad patented