To program the camera to give the correct exposure with a particular film, you must set the camera to the correct film speed
Lift up the ASA/ISO film speed ring and rotate it in either direction until the red index dot 55 is opposite the film speed in use. The scale 56 on the ASA/ISO dial has settings from ASA/ISO 12 to 4000 Two lines between each number stand for intermediate settings, such as 64, 80, etc.
The film speed, indicated by an ASA/ISO number printed on both the film carton and cartridge, is a numerical rating of the film's sensitivity to a given amount of light: the higher the number, the greater the sensitivity, and vice versa.
•Make sure that the exposure compensation dial 53 is set at 0. If not, turn the dial until the 0 click stops opposite the red index line 51 while depressing the exposure compensation dial locking button 59 .