Select the aperture based on how shallow or large you want |
depth of field to be. Smaller apertures will make the back- |
ground and foreground sharper (good for scenic pictures) |
while larger apertures will produce a shallower depth of field |
(good for portraits). Your selected aperture will determine the |
shutter speed which is automatically set by the camera'scom- |
puter. When using the smaller apertures with corresponding |
slower shutter speeds, remember as a rule of thumb that any |
speed below 1/30 sec. may require the use of a tripod to pre- |
vent picture blur due to camera shake. Also, the higher the |
corresponding shutter speed, the easier it is to stop action. |
Adjust the selected aperture if the speed is not appropriate for |
conditions or the specific effect you want. | At wide aperture |
At small aperture