For nature lovers, scientists, even general use,
Close-Up Attachment Lenses - No. 0, 1, 2, 3T, 4T, 5T and 6T
These convenient,
Numbers 0, 1 and 2 are recommended for lenses with a focal length up to 60mm. 3T and 4T work best with lenses from 85mm to 200mm; 5T and 6T with lenses from 70mm to 210mm. Numbers 5T and 6T have a front attachment size of 62mm whi le the rest are designed for 52mm.
Auto Extension Rings
Compact and lightweight, Nikon Auto Extension Rings offer a wide range of reproduction ratios. Models include the
e K2 ring and
e PK rings do not use lens' electronic contacts. All functions related to those contacts are inoperable when using these rings.
Close- Up Attachment Lenses
Auto Extension Rings