| Index |
provided with camera 2 | specifications 77 |
provided with Camera Dock | transferring pictures 60 |
55 | USB connection 56 |
USB 2 | using 55 |
video 2 | Canadian compliance 85 |
camera | capture, mode dial 8 |
accessories 81 | caring for your camera 80 |
cleaning 80 | center spot metering 25 |
connecting problems 62 |
information, viewing 48 | charging Battery Pack 58 |
maintenance 80 | cleaning camera, lens 80 |
original defaults, resetting | clock, setting 7 |
48 | |
original factory defaults 77 | color pictures, taking 23 |
package contents 2 | communication problems 62 |
problems 63 | COMPACTFLASH Card |
safety 80 | access light 66 |
specifications 75 | file name conventions 83 |
turning on and off 5 | file structure 82 |
Camera Connection Software | formatting 47 |
about 41 | inserting 4 |
online help 52 | problems 61 |
transferring pictures 52 | purchasing 81 |
Camera Dock | removing 4 |
charging Battery Pack 58 | storage capacities 82 |
installing insert 56 | computer |
loading camera 57 | connecting camera 49 |
package contents 55 | running a slide show 36 |
power connection 56 | system requirements 42 |