Compafible wifh all Nikon SLR cameras, fhe brackef- mounfing Nikon Speedlighf SB-ll feafures aufomafic confrol of fhe flash exposure fo mafch fhe flash-fo-subject disfance. By ufilizing a silicon-confrolled rectifier and series circuifry, fhe speedlighf is also able fo conserve ifs excess energy for fhe nexf shof when shoofing subjects af close range thus reducing recycling fime and increasing fhe number of flashes per battery sef. The opfional accessory TTL Remote Cord SC-12 (for the Nikon F3- series camera) or SC-23 (for fhe Nikon FA, FE2, F-301l N2000· or FG camera) allows fhe SB-ll to be used for automatic TTL (fhrough-fhe-lens) confrol of fhe flash exposure. In addifion, the SB-ll has a tilting flash head allowing you fo bounce fhe lighf off fhe ceiling or walls for more diffused lighting-a technique especially useful when faking porfraifs or snapshots.
Even fhough fhe .SB-ll is exfremely easy fo use, you should familiarize yourself wifh fhe unit's basic operation as presented in fhe firsf section. For more de failed infor- mafion, please refer fo "CONTROLS IN DETAIL. " A few minufes wisely invesfed now will payoff lafer in years of rewarding phofographic experiences.
•In the U.S.A. and Canada, the Nikon F-301 camera is sold as the Nikon N2000.