Samsung AQ 1O0 manual Date / Time / Date tzpe, Time Zone, File name

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settings(0 )

the Date / Time / Date tzpe

You can change the date and time that the camera displays on captured images and set up the date type. Setting [Time Zone] enables you to display the local date and time on the LCD screen when travelling overseas.

-Date type : [yyyy/mm/dd], [mm/dd/yyyy], [dd/mm/yyyy], [Off]*

Time Zone

[] Available cities/Time Zones: London, Cape Verde, Mid-Atlantic, Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo, Newfoundland, Caracas, La Paz, NewYork, Miami, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Phoenix, LA, San Francisco, Alaska, Honolulu, Hawaii, Samoa, Midway, Wellington, Auckland,

Okhotsk, Guam, Sydney, Darwin, Adelaide, Seoul, Tokyo, Beijing, Hong Kong, Bankok, Jakarta, Yangon, Almaty, Kathmandu, Mumbai, New Delhi, Tashkent, Kabul, Abu Dhabi, Teheran, Moscow, Athens, Helsinki, Rome, Paris, Berlin

DST : Daylight Saving Time

File name

This function allows you to select the file naming format.

[Reset] : After using the reset function, the next file name is started at

0001 even after you'veformatted, deleted all, or inserted a new memory card.

[Series]* : New files are named using

numbers that follow the previous sequence, even if you've installed a new memory card, formatted the memory, or deleted all pictures.

-The first stored folder name is 100PHOTO, and the first file name is SAM_0001.

-File names are assigned sequentially from SAM_0001 -+ SAM_0002 -e to -e SAM_9999.

-The folder number is assigned sequentially from 100 to 999 as follows: 100PHOTO -e 101PHOTO -e ~ -+ 999PHOTO.

-The maximum number of files in a folder is 9999.

-The files used with the memory card conform to the DCF (Design rule for Camera File systems) format. If you change the image file name, the image may not play back.


Image 60
Contents AQ 1O0 Instructions Getting to Know your camera cont€!yourdeerorSamsungCamera Page Contents Setup 055 Sound menu Pictbridge System chart Contents Sold SeparatelyIdentification of features Front & TopBack Bottom Function button Self-timer lame Mode icon Camera Status LampConnecting to a Power Source BP70AConnecting to a Power Source Connecting to a Power Source Insertingthe memory card Instructionson how1ousethe memorycard Instructionson how to use the memory card Waterproof management Waterproof management When using the camera for the first time LCD screen indicator Iiiiiiiiiiii,,Photo/MovieSizeSizei!i!!i!!i!!!iil! i,,8,oI!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i How to use the menu Starting the recording mode How to use SmartAuto mode DSelecting modes Howto use the Pro ram mode o How to use the Scene modes Frame GuideStarting the recording mode How to use the Movie Recoition Movie cli s RecordinTo WatchOutfor When TakingPictures Power button Shutter buttonZoom button Info Disp / Up button Macro,?, / Down button Macro / Down button Focus lockFlash / Left button Mode Self-timer 0 / Right button Menu button OK buttonHow to Enable Functions Usinqthe Menu Button ShootingPhoto Size / Movie Size Resolution Quality//Frame rateExposure compensation ISOWhite balance Face Detection Shooting Shooting Smart FR Edit Face Tone Face RetouchAuto Focus type Meterinq Photo Style SelectorSmart Filter Shooting Drive mode ACBMoviecli frame stabiliser Smart Scene DetectionVoice Memo Voice RecordinqSetting movie recording Without voiceVolume Sound menuShutter sound SoundSetup menu DisplayAF sound Function DescriptionStart up HtnessQuick view SaveFormattinmqaA0 InitializationDate / Time / Date tzpe Time ZoneFile name Auto power off RecordinqdateAuto Focus lamp Video out typeUSB Starting play mode Back a still imaPlaQback.q a movie clip mode Movieclipture functionBack a recorded voice Back a voice memo Using the camerabuttons to set the camera Thumbnail I Eniar ement O, buttonSmartAlbum Thumbnail /Enlar ernent O, button Thumbnail /Enlar Ernent 0, buttonInfo Disp / Up button Play & Pause / OK buttonLeft / Right / Down / Menu button Delete J buttonSetting the playback functions using the LCD Screen Iiiiiiii Edit ResizeEdit RotatinancLeMake a photo of a life-size location or object Aust Startiq the Multi Slide Show Start the Multi Slide ShowStarting the Multi Slide Show Selectinc!Jmaec!esSettincuolavinterval Settinround MusicConfiqure Multi Slide show effects File Options Q Deletin ecLesProtectincLirnAqes Face List Edit Dpof File Options Q Cov totoCard PictBridge PictBridge Print Setting PictBridge Picture SelectionPictBridge Reset Important notesImportant notes Card Locked Before contactinq a service center Before contactinq a service center Specifications IoiiSZ............................ii,6 6se,iSpecifications Specifications Transferring flies to your cornutputeforWindows For Windows usersTransferring flies to your cornutputeforWindows Transferring flies to your computer for Windows Transferring flies to your cornutputeforWindows Transferring files to your computer For Mac usersTransferring flies to your computer for Mac FAQ IfamovieclipdoesntplaybackonyourPC FCC notice