Function Definitions
clear_parallel(clear_count); | clear the entire parallel register, clear_count times |
clear_serial(clear_count); | clear the serial register, clear_count times |
clear_until_trig(); | waits for a trigger, clearing meanwhile |
expose(exp_time); | a timed delay, while light falls on the CCD |
expose_until_trig(); | allow light to fall on the CCD until a trigger pulse |
expose_while_trig(clear_first); | bulbmode expose while you hold the button |
flash(flash_time); | activate the flash circuit for flash_time ms |
loop_begin(loop_count); | loop control, start a loop, do it for loop_count cycles |
loop_end(); | loop control, bottom end of a loop |
pixel_display(x,y); | instruction to application: display this size image |
pixel_readout(s_offset, s_size, s_bin, | READ DATA FROM THE CCD |
p_size, p_bin); | this is the only way to output image pixels |
script_begin(); | this must be the first verb in a script |
script_end(contin_clear); | this must be the last verb in a script |
| if contin_clear is |
| continuous clear mode. |
shift(number_of_lines); | shift the parallel register several lines, using a mode |
shift_image_to_storage( ); | redundant, but useful for frame transfer CCDs |
shift_mode_is( ); | parallel shift mode: image and storage (normal) |
shift_mode_is_alt( ); | parallel shift mode: image and storage (alternate) |
shift_mode_ism( ); | parallel shift mode: image and storage (MPP) |
shift_mode_ism_alt( ); | parallel shift mode: image and storage (MPP alt.) |
shift_mode_s( ); | parallel shift mode: storage array (normal) |
shift_mode_s_alt( ); | parallel shift mode: storage array (alternate) |
shift_mode_sm( ); | parallel shift mode: storage array MPP) |
shift_mode_sm_alt( ); | parallel shift mode: storage array (MPP alternate) |
shutter_close( ); | close the camera shutter |
shutter_open( ); | open the camera shutter |
This function clears the parallel register (the entire CCD: the premask area, active area, and postmask area) clear_count times where clear_count must be greater than zero. The function puts the CCD into an image and storage shifting mode, then shifts the entire parallel register into the serial register, thus clearing the CCD of all charge. This process can also be accomplished by using other functions, such as using a number of shift commands with the proper shift mode, but this function is easier to use. Although the serial register runs continuously during the clearing, there are some circumstances where the serial register may still contain charge. (This condition requires additional clearing with the clear_serial command.) Note that this command leaves the parallel shifting mode set to shift_mode_is. clear_count must be between 1 and 65,535, inclusive.
This function clears the serial register (the prescan area, active area, and postscan area) clear_count times. The function runs the serial register, dumping any charge into the output node where the charge is transferred into the power supply. clear_count must be between 1 and 65,535, inclusive.
Chapter 2. ICL | 7 |