Roper Photometric manual Introduction, Description

Page 7

Chapter 1.



The Advanced Camera Operation Manual includes:

Imager Control Language (ICL)— Rules of syntax, ASCI II command set, and example scripts

Advanced CCD Theory — Background theory for advanced ICL users

Most Roper Scientific cameras use an application programming interface called PVCAM® (Programmable Virtual Camera Access Method). PVCAM is a custom, ANSI C library of camera control and data acquisition functions. Full- function imaging packages access PVCAM. These full-function packages offer the camera control adequate for most users.

ICL is a PVCAM option library that allows users to write low-level, ASCI II command scripts for specialized applications. The scripts, which can be written in any text editor, are then loaded through an ICL-compatible, full–function imaging package, into the ICL option library, then through PVCAM to the camera interface.











ICL Script
























































Custom Software





Full-Function Imaging







Package (ICL-Compatible)














































Camera Interface


Image 7
Contents Page Rev C1 Limited Warranty Roper Scientific Analytical Instrumentation Your Responsibility Table of Contents Index Description IntroductionBenelux Software Roper Scientific Customer ServiceICL Multiple Parameter Functions Following parameters are illegalICL Function Syntax Readout / Display Clearparallelclearcount Function DefinitionsExposeuntiltrig Exposewhiletrigclearfirst ClearuntiltrigPixeldisplayx,y LoopendPixelreadoutsoffset, ssize, sbin, psize, pbin Scriptendcontinclear ScriptbeginShiftimagetostorage Shiftmodeismalt ShiftmodeisShiftmodeisalt ShiftmodeismShutteropen Open the Shutter Example ScriptsSingle Image TDI Time Delay Integration Panorama Ratio Imaging 2-Frame Ratio CCD E Ratio Imaging Multi-Frame RatioColor Sequence Signal to Begin the ExperimentGood Exposure Time Intermittent ExposureDone EXPOSING, NOW Readout High-Speed SpectroscopyError Codes Class 101 ICL Plexpdisplayscript101 Man PagesBoolean plexpinitscriptvoid Class 101 ICL Plexpinitscript101Class 101 ICL Plexplisterrscript101 Class 101 ICL Plexpsetupscript101 Boolean Plexpstartscriptint16 hcam, voidptr pixelstream Class 101 ICL Plexpstartscript101Boolean plexpuninitscript void Class 101 ICL Plexpuninitscript101ICL This page intentionally left blank Potential Wells Introduction Theory of OperationCharge Transfer Typical CCD Imager CCD Readout Subarray Readout Binned Readout CCD Architectures CCD ArchitecturesFrame Transfer Variations CCD Camera Implementations Resolution SensitivityThick and Thinned CCDs Fiberoptics Sources of NoiseSNR Additional Reading This page intentionally left blank Index Page Index Benelux France Germany Japan