Hand Held Products 4X00 manual OemGetSetupIATA25, Resultt oemGetSetupIATA25

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SETUP_TYPE_CURRENT for current settings, or SETUP_TYPE_DEFAULT for default settings.


Points to a BOOL variable that contains the enabled state of this symbology upon returning from the function. A TRUE means the symbology is enabled; a FALSE means the symbology is disabled.


Points to a BOOL variable that determines if the engine will return the check character as part of the data string after a successful decode. If TRUE, the engine returns the check character. If FALSE, the check character is not returned. The default value is FALSE.


Points to a BOOL variable that determines if the engine will decode only EAN bar codes that have a 2 or 5 digit addenda. If TRUE, the engine decodes only EAN symbols with an addenda. If FALSE, the engine decodes all enabled EAN symbols. The default value is FALSE.


Points to a BOOL variable that determines if there is a space character between the data from the bar code and the data from the addenda. If TRUE, there is a space. If FALSE, there is no space. The default value is FALSE.


Points to a BOOL variable that determines if the engine will look for a 2 digit addenda at the end of the EAN bar code. If TRUE, and an addenda is present, the engine adds the two digit addenda data to the end of the message. If FALSE, the engine ignores addenda data. The default value is FALSE.


Points to a BOOL variable that determines if the engine will look for a 5 digit addenda at the end of the EAN bar code. If TRUE, and an addenda is present, the engine adds the five digit addenda data to the end of the message. If FALSE, the engine ignores addenda data. The default value is FALSE.


This function is used to get the Straight 2 of 5 IATA symbology-specific options.

Result_t oemGetSetupIATA25 (

SetupType_t SetupType, BOOL *pEnabled, WORD *pMinLength, WORD *pMaxLength


Return Values





SETUP_TYPE_CURRENT for current settings, or SETUP_TYPE_DEFAULT for default settings.


Points to a BOOL variable that contains the enabled state of this symbology upon returning from the function. A TRUE means the symbology is enabled; a FALSE means the symbology is disabled.


Points to a WORD variable that contains the minimum length decoded IATA 2 of 5 message the engine should return. IATA 2 of 5 messages smaller than this minimum length are not reported by the engine. The default value is 4.


Points to a WORD variable that contains the maximum length decoded IATA 2 of 5 message the engine should return. IATA 2 of 5 messages larger than this maximum length are reported by the engine. The default value is 80.

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IMAGETEAM™ 4X00 Series Software Development Kit (SDK) User’s Guide

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Contents User’s Guide Disclaimer Table of Contents Page Symbology Identifiers Page Introduction Features of the 4X00 Series Image Engine API Library Summary Page Page Data Type Definitions Tchar Page OemAcquireImage OemAimerOnOemDisableSymbology OemDefaultSymbologyOemConnect OemDisableSymbologyAll OemEnableSymbologyOemEnableSymbologyAll OemDisconnectOemGetDecodeAttemptLimit OemGetAPIRevisionOemGetDecodeCenteringWindow OemGetDecoderRevision OemGetDecodeModeOemGetDecodeTime OemGetErrorMessage OemGetExposureSettingsResultt oemGetErrorMessage Resultt oemGetExposureSettingsOemGetImage Resultt oemGetImageOemGetImageData OemGetImagerInfoPrototype Resultt oemGetImageData Resultt oemGetImagerInfoOemGetImagerProperties PnColsResultt oemGetImagerProperties PImgPropOemGetLastImage OemGetLastImageExtResultt oemGetLastImage Resultt oemGetLastImageExtOemGetLastImageSize OemGetLeaveLightsOnResultt oemGetLastImageSize Resultt oemGetLeaveLightsOnOemGetLinearRange OemGetPrintWeightOemGetMaxMessageChars OemGetScanDriverRevision OemGetSetupAllOemGetSearchTimeLimit OemGetSetupAztec OemGetSetupAusPostOemGetSetupBPO OemGetSetupCanPost OemGetSetupChinaPostResultt oemGetSetupCanPost Resultt oemGetSetupChinaPostOemGetSetupCodabar OemGetSetupCodablockResultt oemGetSetupCodabar Resultt oemGetSetupCodablockOemGetSetupCode11 Resultt oemGetSetupCode11OemGetSetupCode128 OemGetSetupCode16KResultt oemGetSetupCode128 Resultt oemGetSetupCode16KOemGetSetupCode32 OemGetSetupCode39Resultt oemGetSetupCode32 Resultt oemGetSetupCode39OemGetSetupCode49 Resultt oemGetSetupCode49PbFullAscii PbAppendOemGetSetupCode93 OemGetSetupCompositeResultt oemGetSetupCode93 Resultt oemGetSetupCompositeResultt oemGetSetupCompositeEx OemGetSetupCompositeExPbCompositeOnUpcEan OemGetSetupCouponCode OemGetSetupDataMatrixResultt oemGetSetupCouponCode Resultt oemGetSetupDataMatrixOemGetSetupDutchPost OemGetSetupEAN8Resultt oemGetSetupDutchPost Resultt oemGetSetupEAN8OemGetSetupEAN13 OemGetSetupIATA25 Resultt oemGetSetupIATA25OemGetSetupImager OemGetSetupInt25Prototype Resultt oemGetSetupImager Resultt oemGetSetupInt25OemGetSetupJapost OemGetSetupISBTOemGetSetupKoreanPost Resultt oemGetSetupMaxicode OemGetSetupMaxicodePCarrierMsgOnly Resultt oemGetSetupMesa OemGetSetupMesaP9MSEnabled Resultt oemGetSetupMSI OemGetSetupMSIPMinLength PMaxLength OemGetSetupMx25 OemGetSetupOCRResultt oemGetSetupMx25 Resultt oemGetSetupOCRPszGroupH PszGroupGPszCheckChar OemGetSetupPlanet OemGetSetupPlesseyResultt oemGetSetupPlanet Resultt oemGetSetupPlesseyResultt oemGetSetupPosiCode OemGetSetupPosiCodePLimited OemGetSetupPostnet OemGetSetupQRResultt oemGetSetupPostnet Resultt oemGetSetupQROemGetSetupRSS OemGetSetupStrt25Resultt oemGetSetupRSS Resultt oemGetSetupStrt25OemGetSetupTelepen OemGetSetupTLC39Resultt oemGetSetupTelepen Resultt oemGetSetupTLC39OemGetSetupTrioptic OemGetSetupUPCAResultt oemGetSetupTrioptic Resultt oemGetSetupUPCAOemGetSetupUPCE Resultt oemGetSetupUPCEPE0Enabled PE1EnabledOemGetVideoReverse PbExpandVersionEOemImageStreamStart OemImageStreamInitOemImageStreamRead OemPowerOffImager OemImageStreamStopOemLeaveLightsOn OemLightsOnResultt oemPowerOffImager OemSetDecodeAttemptLimitOemSetDecodeCenteringWindow Resultt oemSetDecodeAttemptLimitOemSetDecodeMode OemSetExposureSettingsOemSetExposureMode OemSetPrintWeight OemSetLinearRangeOemSetScanningLightsMode Resultt oemSetLinearRangeOemSetupChinaPost OemSetupAztecOemSetSearchTimeLimit OemSetupCodabar OemSetupCodablockResultt oemSetupCodabar Resultt oemSetupCodablockOemSetupCode11 OemSetupCode128Resultt oemSetupCode11 Resultt oemSetupCode128OemSetupCode16K OemSetupCode39Resultt oemSetupCode16K Resultt oemSetupCode39OemSetupCode49 Resultt oemSetupCode49BFullAscii BAppendOemSetupComposite OemSetupCode93OemSetupCompositeEx OemSetupDataMatrix OemSetupEAN8Resultt oemSetupDataMatrix Resultt oemSetupEAN8Resultt oemSetupEAN13 OemSetupEAN13BAddendaReq OemSetupIATA25 OemSetupInt25Resultt oemSetupIATA25 Resultt oemSetupInt25OemSetupKoreanPost OemSetupMaxicodeResultt oemSetupKoreanPost Resultt oemSetupMaxicodeOemSetupMesa Resultt oemSetupMesaOemSetupMSI OemSetupMx25Resultt oemSetupMSI Resultt oemSetupMx25OemSetupOCR Resultt oemSetupOCRNFont PszTemplateOemSetupPlanet OemSetupPlesseyResultt oemSetupPlanet Resultt oemSetupPlesseyOemSetupPostnet OemSetupPosiCodeOemSetupQR OemSetupRSS OemSetupStrt25Resultt oemSetupRSS Resultt oemSetupStrt25OemSetupTelepen OemSetupUPCAResultt oemSetupTelepen Resultt oemSetupUPCAResultt oemSetupUPCE OemSetupUPCEBXmitNumSys BEnabled OemSetVideoReverseOemStartIntellImgXfer BExpandVersionEResultt oemStartIntellImgXfer OemWaitForDecode Resultt oemWaitForDecodeOemWaitForDecodeRaw Resultt oemWaitForDecodeRawOemWaitMultipleDecode Resultt oemWaitMultipleDecodeOemWaitMultipleDecodeRaw FpMultiReadCallBackFpContinueCallBack Resultt oemWaitMultipleDecodeRawSymbology Identifiers Function Result Values Mail eutechsupport@handheld.com Mail latechsupport@handheld.comMail aptechsupport@handheld.com Imageteam 4X00 Series Software Development Kit SDK Page Hand Held Products, Inc