CCDS Acquisition Camera User’s Manual
Figure 2. Setup dialog box
Make sure Temperature Regulation is set to “Active” and that the Setpoint is about 20 degrees below ambient.
IMPORTANT: The system temperature setpoint should be set to about 20 degrees C below the ambient temperature in the dome. If the cooling capacity gauge (lower right of CCDOps screen, see Figure 3) reads more than 60%, the temperature setpoint is too low. This will cause the CCD to overheat and may cause damage to the camera.
Figure 3. CCDOps status bar (from lower left corner of CCDOps desktop). This example shows (from left to right): an established link, normal unbinned (high resolution) imaging, and the temperature setpoint set to 0.19 degrees C. The cooling capacity gauge reads 58% capacity, and there is a red filter in the beam.
For normal operation, all other settings should also be as shown in Figure 2.
Click OK for these settings to become active.
It generally takes a few minutes for the system to equilibrate at a new set point. If you change the temperature setpoint and after 5 minutes the cooling capacity gauge still reads > 60%, the setpoint is still too low.