Twin LiteMT..24EXistheJlash tube/heads and ~fewfe'atures.. This instructi9D§bookletcenterson.
instr~ctionsalso'appltt?th~fv1T~~4~)(. .Instructionswhi?h·applyonly tott:JeMT..?4~Xar~rin .Cl.sePC1rCl.t~(Jhapter.·lf.y9u.
rea.dupt<lpage5,then rea.dpa~es7!)to85:.·Allot~erinstructions.·(on
pages? ·.to 73)fortheMT~24EXarethesameasforthe·. MR.. 14EX.
YOU•• h~;}••a ••JypeS~ccaJera:, .. t;sd~ig7s9•.• t020ard49t~.'73 •.
ti .. "ThE?op~rCl!i9PHr8PE:}tf~r~~assyrTletf1at tti.e.·SC1I1"l~ra.C3.nd..••the
be suretotwno0fhernainswitch. . | ...' '' |
•.Theicon$usedinthetextarethesame ones found on the carn~raangthe
Icons for the camera'sshooting modes. are. as follows:
o | :FoJI Auto | Tv : Shutter..priority AE |
P | :ProgramAE | M: Manual |
Av | :.Aperture:priorityAE |
•The (~a}and(~12)icons indicate that the function remains in effecUor8 sec. and 12 sec. respectively after the relevant button is released.
•Heferenc~pagenumbersareindicat~inparentheses as
.····The~icC)rl.·brings attention to a'sirllpledescription. of the resp~cti\,~~u~tom .• Function~.For.adetCitled~xplanati.on. of the CustO~1~~n~tipnJ·.·r~e.~9~st(.)mFupcti()I1~"{)1'l8?weS\ ...·.~4and.83.
'·Th~j~~~r~~ti~l'l~'jn'~h~~·•.•..bOt:)~tE}t~~~urne.th~tthes tandard· ",' | ||
''m:iElil~~Qm$i$ttJngs |
| . |
C.•...................·:,s.u.•.........•.t·. .....:(.•. | ||
Q |