Fiber Driver® EM316EDFA User Guide
5.2.3 Login Context Commands and Examples
The login context refers to the only CLI state not considered a configuration context. Commands in this context are generally for system status monitoring. Use the “?” and “list” commands at the fiberdriver # prompt to display the list of command line options. These help commands are shown in the slot and port command illustrations later in this section.
A few login context commands are illustrated in this section.“show version”
The show version command displays revision levels for the management system components.
fiberdriver# show version
Linux kernel v2.4.26 (#1 Wed Dec 13 10:36:44 PST 2006).
EM316LNXNM (firmware 5c.13) (00:20:1a:02:48:28).
MegaVisionJ v2.32k5 - August 24, 2006
Copyright (c) MRV Corp.“show log”
The show log command displays log settings for the management system components.
fiberdriver(config)# show log Running Level: warning Nvram Level: disabled
Trap Level: warning
Remote Server:
Remote Level: notice fiberdriver(config)#
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