Fiber Driver® EM316EDFA User Guide
5.2.7 Displaying and Saving System Parameters
Use the write terminal command to display the current operating parameters.
fiberdriver(port/1.3.1)# write terminal
Building configuration...
Current configuration:
!Configuration saved on 2005/01/04 21:11:06
!Configuration written by admin!
!Linux kernel v2.4.26 (#1 Wed Dec 13 10:36:44 PST 2006).
!EM316LNXNM (firmware 5c.13) (00:20:1a:02:48:28).
!Copyright (c) MRV Corp.
ip interface
username admin password encrypted $1$kQ2rIq/$Ob8wFa2EW135XC4TnN7wJ/ class super username admin group all
group all write 1 group all write 2
chassis 1 type
slot 1.4 type EM316EDFA rev 1 description EDFA-2
slot 1.5 type EM316E1MUX4RM rev 1 slot 1.6 type EM316DPAD8 rev 2 slot 1.7 type EM316EFE1MUXRJv rev 1 slot 1.8 type EM316EFE1MUXRJ rev 1 port 1.3.1 type FO_SC description
Use the write file command to save the current parameters to the configuration file.
fiberdriver(port/1.3.1)# write file Building configuration file...
OK, saved to
P/N | 32 |