Index |
A |
Add Camera dialog | 8 | |
Add New Camera dialog | 24 | |
Administrator | 26 | |
Assigning a Camera | 9, 28, 29 | |
Assigning a Storage Location | 29 | |
Audio Mute | 14 | |
Audio tab | 27 | |
AVI File | 22 | |
B |
Bandwidth Control | 26 | |
Bit Rate | 26, 27 | |
C |
Calendar | 18 | |
Camera list | 24 | |
Camera Manager | 8 | |
Camera Manager Window | 24 | |
Camera Properties dialog | 24, 25 | |
Camera tab | 26 | |
Camera tree | 24 | |
Capacity | 29 | |
Changing the Camera Properties ... 27 | ||
Cleanup Recordings | 21 | |
Control the Camera | 10 | |
Controlling the Camera | 15 | |
Creating Recording Schedules | 31 | |
Cue | 21 | |
D |
Deleting a Camera | 27 | |
Deleting Recordings | 21 | |
Digital Zooming | 15 | |
Displaying a Preview Image | 20 | |
E |
Exit the program | 8 | |
Exporting to an AVI File | 22 |
F |
21 | |
Frame Rate | 26 |
Frame Rate Priority | 26 |
Functional Toolbars | 12 |
G |
General tab | 25 |
Glossary | 34 |
H |
Help menu | 12 |
I |
Image Quality | 26 |
Image Size | 26 |
Installing Network Camera Recorder | |
....................................................... | 5 |
IP Address | 25 |
K |
Keep Aspect |
.................................................. | 14 |
L |
Layout types | 28 |
List view | 19, 32 |
M |
Main toolbar | 12 |
Main Window | 12 |
Manual Recording | 17 |
Mark In for Exporting | 22 |
Mark Out for Exporting | 22 |
Mic Volume | 27 |
Microphone | 27 |
Monitor window | 12 |
Monitoring | 13 |
Mount Angle | 26 |
N |
Name | 25 |
Network | 25 |
Network Settings dialog | 25 |
Next Date | 19 |
O |
Old file overwriting | 30 |
P |
Pan & Tilt Presets toolbar | 15, 16 | |
Pan & Tilt toolbar | 10, 15 | |
Panning | 15 | |
Path of the storage location | 29 | |
Pause | 21 | |
Picture tab | 26 | |
Play the Recorded Image | 10 | |
Playback | 21 | |
Playback toolbar | 11, 20 | |
Playing Back the Located Recording | ||
..................................................... | 20 | |
9, 13, 29 | ||
Port | 25 | |
Preset Function | 15 | |
Preview window | 18, 20 | |
Previous Date | 19 | |
Proxy Server | 25 | |
R |
Record the Camera Image | 10 | |
Recorder toolbar | 10 | |
Recording the Camera Image | ......... | 17 |
Register a Camera | 8 | |
Registering a Camera | 24 | |
Remaining capacity | 29 | |
Remove Camera(s) | 14 | |
Return to Camera(s) | 14, 20 | |
Reverse playback | 21 | |
Rewind | 21 | |
S |
Scale to Window | 14 | |
Schedule Editor | 30 | |
Schedule parameters | 31 | |
Search by camera | 18 | |
Search by date and time | 18 | |
Search Recording window | 17 | |
Searching for Recordings | 17 | |
Searching range | 18 | |
searching range | 18 | |
Select Camera | 9, 13, 29 | |
Select Camera dialog | 9, 13, 29 | |
Select Layout | 28 | |
Selecting a Layout | 28 | |
Setting the Camera Properties | 25 | |
Sharpness | 26 | |
Shuttle slider | 21 | |
Snapshot | 17 |