Chapter 2 Cisco MGM Installation
Installing the Cisco MGM Server
Step 6 Start a Cisco EMF shell:
<CEMF_ROOT>/bin/cemf shell
Step 7 Edit the host name server parameters file, as follows:
a.Using a text editor, open the hostname server parameters file in <CEMF_ROOT>/ODI/OS5.1/ostore/etc
b.Comment out the line for the transaction.log. This places the log in a raw partition.
c.Add an entry for each raw partition that ObjectStore uses. Each entry is of the format: Partition<X>: PARTITION <raw partition drive name>
where X is an integer starting at 0 for the first partition and incrementing 1 for each subsequent entry. The raw partition name can be of the format /dev/rdsk/c2t9d0s0.
For example:
#Log File: /opt/transact.log
Partition0: PARTITION /dev/rdsk/c2t9d0s0
Partition1: PARTITION /dev/rdsk/c2t10d0s0
Step 8 Reinitialize ObjectStore:
Step 9 Reset the Cisco EMF database:
<CEMF_ROOT>/bin/cemf reset
Step 10 Start CEMF:
<CEMF_ROOT>/bin/cemf start
The system resumes normal operation.
Installing Cisco MGM Server Software
Before installing Cisco MGM server software, uninstall any previous Cisco MGM versions. For more information, see Uninstalling Cisco MGM Server or Client, page
To install the Cisco MGM server, follow these steps:
Step 1 Log in as the root user.
Step 2 Change to the cmgm1.0pkg package directory on the CD ROM. cd <CDROM>/cmgm1.0pkg
Step 3 Start the installation script.
Tips To get help, enter cmgminstall -h
| Cisco Media Gateway Manager for the Cisco MGX 8260 Media Gateway User Guide |
Release 1.0, Part Number |