-SMTP Server Address: Enter the mail server address. For example, mymail.com.
-Sender Email Address: Enter the email address of the user who will send the email. For example, John@mymail.com.
-Sender User Name: Enter the user name to login the mail server.
-Sender Password: Enter the password to login the mail server.
-Receiver #1 Email Address: Enter the first email address of the user who will receive the email.
-Receiver #2 Email Address: Enter the second email address of the user who will receive the email.
4.6 Motion Detect
The Motion Detect menu contains the command and option that allow you to enable and set up the motion detection feature of the camera. The camera provides two detecting areas.
To enable the detecting area, select Window 1 or 2 from the
-Name: Assign a name to the detecting area.
-Threshold: Move the slide bar to adjust the level for detecting motion to record video.
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