Tip: To enable ThemeTV at TV
Set up ThemeTV
1.In the Professional setup menu, select [ThemeTV Configuration].
2.Select a channel group to edit.
3.Select [ThemeTV Channel setup].
4.Select the channels to add to your channel group.
Change guest menu settings
Here are a few settings that hotel guests can change.
Picture settings
1.Press .
2.Select [Guest menu] > [Picture], then
select one of these options:
∙[Picture format]: Change the picture format.
∙[Brightness]: Adjust screen brightness.
∙[Video contrast]: Change the intensity of the bright areas, keeping dark areas unchanged.
∙[Colour]: Adjust colour saturation of the picture.
∙[Sharpness]: Adjust the sharpness of the picture.
Sound settings
1.Press .
2.Select [Guest menu] > [Sound], then
select one of these options:
∙[Audio language]: Select the preferred audio language for digital channels.
∙[Dual I/II]: Select preferred audio language for analogue channels.
∙[Mono / stereo]: Select preferred audio format for analogue channels.
Feature settings
1.Press .
2.Select [Guest menu] > [Features], then
select one of these options:
∙[Subtitle mode]: Select the subtitle mode.
∙[Subtitle language]: Select the available subtitle language.
∙[Sleep timer]: Set the timer.
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Alarm settings
1.Press .
2.Select [Guest menu] > [Alarm], then
select one of these options:
∙[Alarm status]: Enable or disable the alarm.
∙[Alarm time]: Set the time for the alarm.
∙[Wakeup volume]: Set the TV volume when the TV wakes up from standby.
∙[Wakeup tune]: Select a tune to play when the TV wakes up from standby.
∙[Wakeup channel]: Select the channel to display when the TV wakes up from standby.
1.Press .
2.Select [Guest menu] > [Multimedia] to
open the USB content browser and access
multimedia files. This option is only available if [Enable USB] is enabled in the [Control
settings] menu. Mychoice
1.Press .
2.Select [Guest menu] > [MyChoice] to
access MyChoice channels. This option is only available if [MyChoice] is enabled in the [Installation] menu.
Enter the PIN to watch the channels.
1.Press .
2.Select [Guest menu] > [ThemeTV] to
access ThemeTV options. This option is only available if [ThemeTV] is enabled in the
[Installation] menu.
Play games
What you can do
On this TV, you can play standard games in