What you need
To record a TV programme you need . . .
•a connected USB Hard Drive formatted on this TV
•digital TV channels installed on this TV (the channels you watch with Watch TV)
•to receive channel information for the
For more information, press Keywords and look up USB Hard Drive, installation.
Record a programme
Record now
To record the programme you are watching, press (Record) on the remote control.
If you receive TV guide information from the Internet, you can adjust the end time of the recording in the
If you receive TV guide information from the broadcaster, the recording starts immediately. You can adjust the end time of the recording in the list of recordings.
To stop recording, press (Stop).
Schedule a recording
You can schedule a recording of an upcoming programme for today or a few days from today (maximum of 8 days away).
1 - To schedule a recording, press TV Guide.
On the TV guide page, select the channel and programme you wish to record.
You can enter the channel number to jump to the channel in the list.
Press (Right) or (Left) to scroll through the programmes of a channel.
To change the date of the list, press OPTIONS and select Change day. In the list, select the day you want and press OK. If
the TV guide comes from the Internet, you can select the date at the top of the page and press OK.
2 - With the programme highlighted, press Record. The TV adds some time buffer at the end of the programme. You can add some extra buffer if needed.
3 - Select Schedule and press OK. The programme is scheduled for recording. A warning will appear / will be
shown automatically when overlapping recordings are scheduled. If you plan to record a programme in your absence, remember to leave the TV switched to standby and the USB Hard Drive switched on.
List of recordings
To view the list of recordings and scheduled recordings, press , select Recordings and press OK.
In this list, you can select a recording to watch, remove recorded programmes, adjust the end time of an ongoing recording or check the free disk space. Also in this list, if the TV guide comes from the Internet, you can schedule a recording for which you set the beginning and end time yourself, as a timed recording not linked to a programme. To set a timed recording, select Schedule recording at the top of the page and press OK. Set the channel, date and time span. To confirm the recording, select Schedule and press OK.
Remove a scheduled recording
To remove a scheduled recording, select the upcoming recording in the list and press OK. Alternatively, you can select the scheduled recording and press OPTIONS and select Cancel recording.
•While recording a programme, you can watch a previously recorded programme.
•While recording, you cannot switch TV channels.
•While recording, you cannot pause the TV broadcast.
•To Record, broadcasters need a reliable clock setting. If you reset the TV clock manually, recordings may fail.
•The Audio Description audio (commentary) for the visually impaired cannot be recorded.
•You can record the digital (DVB) subtitles of channel. You cannot record subtitles that come from Text services. To check if digital (DVB) subtitles are available, tune to the TV channel and press OPTIONS, select Subtitle language to open the list of Subtitles. You can only record a subtitle language preceded by a DVB icon.