Sharp XL-BD601PH Other Countries outside the EU, Información sobre la eliminación de la batería

Page 9

Information on Proper Disposal

Information sur la mise au rebut de la pile

Informatie over afvalverwerking van batterijen

Attention:Your prod- uct is marked with this symbol. It means that used electrical and electronic prod- ucts should not be mixed with general household waste. There is a separate collection system for these products.

A. Information on Disposal for Users (private households)

1. In the European Union

Attention: If you want to dispose of this equipment, please do not use the ordinary dustbin!

Used electrical and electronic equipment must be treated separately and in accordance with legislation that requires proper treatment, recovery and recycling of used electrical and electronic equipment.

Following the implementation by member states, private households within the EU states may return their used electrical and electronic equipment to designated collection facilities free of charge*.

In some countries* your local retailer may also take back your old product free of charge if you purchase a similar new one.

*) Please contact your local authority for further details.

If your used electrical or electronic equipment has batteries or accumulators, please dispose of these separately beforehand according to local requirements.

By disposing of this product correctly you will help ensure that the waste undergoes the necessary treatment, recovery and recycling and thus prevent potential negative effects on the environment and human health which could otherwise arise due to inappropriate waste handling.

2. In other Countries outside the EU

If you wish to discard this product, please contact your local authorities and ask for the correct method of disposal.

For Switzerland: Used electrical or electronic equipment can be returned free of charge to the dealer, even if you don’t purchase a new product. Further collection facilities are listed on the homepage of or

B. Information on Disposal for Business Users 1. In the European Union

If the product is used for business purposes and you want to discard it:

Please contact your SHARP dealer who will inform you about the take-back of the product. You might be charged for the costs arising from take-back and recycling. Small products (and small amounts) might be taken back by your local collection facilities.

For Spain: Please contact the established collection system or your local authority for take-back of your used products.

2. In other Countries outside the EU

If you wish to discard of this product, please contact your local authorities and ask for the correct method of disposal.

Les piles/accus fournies avec ce produit peuvent contenir des traces de Plomb.

Au sein de l’Union Européenne : Le symbole de la poubelle sur roues barrée laisse supposer que les piles/accus usagées ne doivent pas être mélangées avec les déchets ménagers! Il existe un mode de collecte séparé pour les piles/accus usagées, ce qui permet d’effectuer un traitement et un recyclage en accord avec la législation. Veuillez contacter une autorité locale pour plus de renseignements sur le système mis en place.

Pour la Suisse : Les piles/accus usagées doivent être retournées chez votre détaillant.

Pour les pays hors Union Européenne : Veuillez contacter une autorité locale afin de connaître la bonne méthode à utiliser pour la collecte de vos piles/accus usagées.

Información sobre la eliminación de la batería

Las baterías suministradas con este producto contienen pequeńas cantidades de Plomo.

Para EU: El contenedor de basura con ruedas tachado indica que las baterías usadas no deberían mezclarse con los residuos domésticos generales. Existe un sistema de recogida independiente de baterías usadas, para permitir un correcto tratamiento y reciclado de acuerdo con la legislación vigente. Por favor póngase en contacto con el sistema de recogida establecido o con las autoridades locales para la recogida selectiva de las baterías usadas.

Para Suiza: Las baterías usadas deben ser retornadas al punto de venta.

Para otros países fuera de la Unión Europea: Por favor póngase en contacto con las autoridades locales para un correcto procedimiento de eliminación de las baterías usadas.

Information om batteriavyttring

Batteriet som följer med denna produkt kan innehĺlla spĺr av Bly.

För EU: Batteriet är märkt med den överkorsade soptunnan vilket betyder att det inte ska kastas i det vanliga hushĺllsavfallet. Det finns ett separat insamlingssystem för batterier för att underlätta korrekt behandling och ĺtervinning enligt gällande lagstiftning. Kontakta kommunen för vidare information om insamling och ĺtervinning.

För Schweiz: Använda batterier lämnas till inköpsstället.

För länder utanför EU: Kontakta de lokala myndigheterna för information om gällande sorterings- och ĺtervinningsföreskrifter om du behöver göra dig av med ett använt batteri.

Informazioni sullo smaltimento della batteria

La batteria fornita con questo prodotto contiene tracce di Piombo.

Per EU: Il cassonetto barrato indica che le batterie usate non devono essere gettate assieme ai rifiuti domestici! Vi è un sistema di raccolta differenziata per le batterie usate, che consente il loro corretto trattamento e riciclo secondo quanto previsto dalle leggi vigenti. Vi prego di contattare le locali autorità per i dettagli del sistema di raccolta e riciclaggio.

De batterij die bij dit toestel geleverd wordt bevat sporen van Lood.

Voor EU: De doorgestreepte vuilnisbak op wieltjes duidt aan dat de gebruikte batterijen niet mogen terechtkomen in het gewone huishoudelijke afval. Er bestaat een gescheiden ophaalsysteem voor deze gebruikte batterijen om eigen behandeling en recyclage volgens de wetgeving toe te laten. Gelieve de locale autoriteiten te contacteren voor de details van ophaling en recyclage.

Voor Zwitserland: De gebruikte batterij moet bij hetverkooppunt teruggebracht worden.

Voor andere niet EU landen: Gelieve contact op te nemen met uw locale autoriteiten voor de correcte methode van verwerking van de gebruikte batterijen.

Informaçăo sobre Eliminaçăo de Pilhas

A bateria fornecida com este produto contém traços de chumbo.

Para a Uniăo Europeia: O contentor de rodas traçado significa que as baterias usadas năo deverăo ser colocadas junto com o lixo doméstico! Existe um sistema de separaçăo próprio para baterias usadas, para permitir um tratamento e reciclagem própria de acordo com a legislaçăo em vigor. Por favor contacte as autoridades locais para mais detalhes nos esquemas de recolha e reciclagem.

Para a Suíça: As baterias usadas deverăo ser devolvidas ao ponto de venda.

Para os outros países fora da Uniăo Europeia: Por favor contacte a sua autoridade local para o método correcto de disposiçăo das baterias usadas.

Tietoja paristojen hävittämisestä

Tämän tuotteen mukana oleva paristo/akku saattaa sisältää jäänteitä Lyijy. EU-maat: Paristo/akku on merkitty yliviivatun roskasäiliön symbolilla, mikä tarkoittaa, että sitä ei saa hävittää kotitalouden yleisjätteiden kanssa. Paristoille/akuille on olemassa erillinen keräysjärjestelmä, joka helpottaa niiden asiamukaista käsittelyä ja lainmukaista kierrätystä. Ota yhteys kuntaviranomaisiin saadaksesi lisätietoa keräyksestä ja kierrätyksestä.

Sveitsi: Käytetyt paristot/akut palautetaan ostopaikkaan.

EU:n ulkopuoliset maat: Ota yhteys paikallisviranomaisiin saadaksesi lisätietoa voimassa olevista lajittelu- ja kierrätyssäädöksistä ja ohjeet käytetyn pariston/akun hävittämiseen.

Informacja na temat usuwania baterii

Bateria dostarczana z tym produktem zawiera śladowe ilości ołowiu.

W krajach Unii Europejskiej: Przekreślony pojemnik na odpady oznacza, że zużytych baterii nie należy wyrzucać do pojemników z odpadami domowymi! Dla zużytych baterii istnieją oddzielne systemy zbiórki, które zapewnią prawidłowe przetwarzanie i odzysk zgodnie z obowiązującym prawem. Szczegóły na temat systemów zbiórki otrzymają Państwo u lokalnych władz.

W Szwajcarii: Zużyte baterie można zwrócić w punkcie sprzedaży.

Informationen zur Batterieentsorgung

Die für dieses Produkt mitgelieferte Batterie kann Spuren von Blei enthalten.

Für die EU: Die durchgestrichene Abfalltonne bedeutet, dass gebrauchte Batterien nicht mit dem Haushaltsmüll entsorgt werden sollten! Es gibt getrennte Sammelsysteme für gebrauchte Batterien, welche eine ordnungsgemäße Behandlung und Verwertung entsprechend gesetzlicher Vorgaben erlauben. Weitere Einzelheiten erhalten Sie von IhrerGemeindeverwaltung.

Für die Schweiz: Die gebrauchte Batterie kann an derVerkaufsstelle zurückgegeben werden.

Für andere Nicht-EU Staaten: Bitte erkundigen Sie sich bei Bedarf bei Ihrer Gemeindeverwaltung nach weiteren Informationen zur Entsorgung von gebrauchten Batterien.

Per la Svizzera: Le batterie usate devono essere restituite al punto vendita.

Per altri Stati non-EU: Vi prego di contattare le autorità locali per conoscere il metodo corretto di conferimento delle batterie usate.

Kraje pozaunijne: W celu uzyskania szczegółowych informacji na temat prawidłowej metody pozbycia się zużytych baterii, proszę o kontakt z władzami lokalnymi.

Information on Battery Disposal

The battery supplied with this product contains traces of Lead.

For EU: The crossed-out wheeled bin implies that used batteries should not be put to the general household waste! There is a separate collection system for used batteries, to allow proper treatment and recycling in accordance with legislation. Please contact your local authority for details on the collection and recycling schemes.

For Switzerland: The used battery is to be returned to the selling point.

For other non-EU countries: Please contact your local authority for correct method of disposal of the used battery.


Image 9
Contents XL-BD601PH Remarque HinweisNota AnmVirtajohdon asianmukainen käyttö AC Power Lead ProtectionZabezpieczenie kabla zasilającego Dichiarazione di conformitàVorsicht AttenzioneCuidado Vorsicht Anderen Ländern außerhalb der EU Pays hors de l’Union européenneEn otros países fuera de la Unión Europea Information om ĺtervinning för företag 1. EU-länder Länder utanför EUPrivati Nell’Unione europeaNa Uniăo Europeia Para os Utilizadores particularesAtençăo Se quiser eliminar este equipamento Em outros Países fora da UEOther Countries outside the EU Information on Battery DisposalInformación sobre la eliminación de la batería Information om batteriavyttringEnglish Contents About MediaTypes PrecautionsDiscs that Cannot Be Used withThis Unit About Disc Contents Disc Precautions Important InformationLicense and Copyright Front panel Controls and indicatorsDisplay Speaker systemRemote Control Speaker connection System connectionsAerial connection Video OUTConnecting iPod or iPhone toTV Demonstration modeAC power connection Connecting to an amplifier/AV receiverDigital audio connection Wired connection LAN cableLine input connection TV, etc Broadband Internet ConnectionRemote control General control Language Setting Setting the clock Remote control onlyOperating aTV Using the Remote Control Treble controlTo change theTV manufacturer setting Before Starting PlaybackManufacturer/Brand Set-Up Code Number Hall Mark Controlling the unit using Aquos Link Using Aquos LinkUsing 3D Aquos Pure ModeControl Panel Major functions of each button icon Control PanelLoading a Disc Video/Picture/Music PlaybackBD/DVD Video Playback BD/DVD MenusUsing the pop-up menu Using the disc menuEnjoying Bonusview or BD-LIVE Virtual PackagePlayback by selecting a title DVD-R/-RW VR format / BD-RE/-R Bdav format PlaybackPlayback by selecting a chapter Title ListAudio Data MP3 File Playback Audio CD PlaybackButtons Description Displaying Still Images Jpeg filesNRETURN/DEMO Accessing Dlna serversFast Forward/Reverse Search Video/Picture/Music Playback Playback FunctionsChapter Track/Title Pause/Frame Advance PlaybackSwitching the Angle Switching SubtitlesRepeat Playback of aTitle or Chapter Repeat Playback Partial Repeat Playback Repeat Playback of a Specified PartFunction control operation procedure Settings During PlaybackDisplaying the Angle Mark Function ControlParental Control Setting Setting the PIN code for the first timeAudio Video Settings Common operationsSmart Settings SettingsPlayback Setting Super PictureOn Screen Language Communication SetupVersion SystemInput character list Operation procedure for inputting characters manually NoteBefore using the USB memory device Software Update SettingsAuto Update from Network SetupManual Update from Network Manual Update from USB memory deviceUpdate process Enter the 4-digit number using Listening to the iPod, iPhone or iPad Playing backYouTube contentIPod, iPhone or iPad playback USB IPod, iPhone and iPad connection USB 2 onlyIPhone playback IPod and iPhone connection Dock onlyTo disconnect iPod, iPhone or iPad TuningWatching videos on aTV connected to iPod or iPhone Navigating the iPod, iPhone or iPad menusUsing the Radio Data System RDS To recall stations in memory Using the Auto Station Programme Memory AspmTimer playback Timer and sleep operation Remote control onlyTo use timer and sleep operation together HeadphonesSleep operation Troubleshooting chart Troubleshooting chart Maintenance Specifications On-screen Error MessagesAmplifier BD playerMPEG-2 GlossaryNetwork Service Disclaimer About Software License

XL-BD601PH specifications

The Sharp XL-BD601PH is a sophisticated home audio system designed to deliver high-quality sound and a multitude of multimedia functionalities. As a versatile component of modern home entertainment, this model combines contemporary design with advanced technology, appealing to audiophiles and casual listeners alike.

At the heart of the XL-BD601PH is its powerful audio output, capable of producing clear and dynamic sound across a range of frequencies. This system features an integrated digital amplifier which enhances audio fidelity and contributes to a rich listening experience. The speakers are engineered to deliver robust bass and crisp highs, ensuring that users can enjoy their favorite music, podcasts, or movies with immersive sound quality.

A standout feature of the XL-BD601PH is its Blu-ray Disc player, which supports full HD 1080p resolution. This allows users to enjoy their movie collection with remarkable clarity and detail. In addition to standard Blu-ray discs, the player is compatible with a variety of formats, including CDs, DVD-Video, and DVD-R/RW, making it a versatile choice for media playback. With built-in support for multiple audio formats, this system ensures compatibility with various types of media.

Connectivity options are abundant with the XL-BD601PH. Users can easily connect their devices via Bluetooth, enabling seamless streaming from smartphones and tablets. Additionally, the system is equipped with USB ports, allowing for direct playback from flash drives and external hard drives. An auxiliary input provides further connectivity for older devices, ensuring that the system remains accessible to a wide range of users.

The system's intuitive interface and remote control make navigation simple, enabling users to switch between various media sources and control playback with ease. Furthermore, the XL-BD601PH features a sleek design that complements any room decor, making it an attractive addition to turntables and home theaters alike.

In terms of energy efficiency, the XL-BD601PH is designed to minimize power consumption without sacrificing performance. This consideration for sustainability makes it an appealing choice for environmentally-conscious consumers.

Overall, the Sharp XL-BD601PH is a remarkable home audio solution that seamlessly blends advanced technology with user-friendly features, providing an exceptional entertainment experience in the comfort of one's home.