a word about installation
Welcome to the Classé family
Congratulations on your purchase of a Classé amplifier. It is the result of many years of design experience, and we are sure that you will enjoy it for many years to come.
We value our relationship with our customers. Please allow us to stay in touch with you by returning your warranty card now, before you pack up the shipping carton of your new product and forget all about it. Doing so will enable us to let you know about any possible future upgrades or updates that might become available for your Classé component.
You can register online at www.classeaudio.com or complete and mail the registration card located in the separate warranty booklet.
Please take a few moments now to register your new Classé amplifier and record your serial number for future reference
Every effort has been made to make the Classé
It may be placed on a shelf, in a cabinet or on the floor near the speaker(s). Although the
The size and shape of your room, its acoustics, and the associated equipment you have chosen to use with your amplifier all influence the performance of your system.
For this reason, we strongly encourage you to have your system installed and calibrated by your dealer, whose experience, training, and specialized equipment can make a profound difference in the final performance of the system.