Commande à Distance de Niveau
Le commande à distance de niveau permet que le niveau d'entrée soit ajusté dès une position alternative. Le même peut être s'installé dessous du planche ou dans le planche. Quand on utilise l'amplificateur par transmettre
Connect the Remote Bass Control | ||
Conecte les Control Remoto de Nivel | ||
Branchez les Commande à Distance de Niveau | ||
The Remote Bass Control uses a | ||
cable for connectivity. Simply plug the | ||
cable into the amplifier and then into the Remote | ||
| Bass Control to activate the circuit. | |
| 1.4 |
4 | .5 | 2 |
| Hz Hz |
Before finishing the installation, perform the following tests to make sure the wiring is correct and everything is operating properly.
Reconnect Battery
When wiring is complete, reconnect the battery negative terminal.
Test Power Wiring
Turn on the receiver, but do not turn up the volume. The amplifier power light should come on. If not, check the REM and +12V wires. Turn up the receiver volume slightly. All speakers should operate. If not, check wiring connections at amplifier and speakers.
Test Speaker Connections
These tests make sure the speakers are connected properly. If speakers don’t play at all, one (or both) speaker wires may be disconnected.
Indicators and Controls)
Indicadores y Controles
Indicateurs et Contrôles
Level |
| Remote Level Control | |
Nivel de entrada |
| Filtro del Paso Bajo | Control Remoto de Nivel | |
Niveau |
| Filtre de Bas Passage | |
| Commande à Distance de Niveau | ||
| |
1.4 |
4 | .5 |
| Hz Hz |
| 1.4 |
| 4 | .5 | 2 |
| Hz Hz |
Power Indicator |
| Protect Indicator |
Indicador de energía |
| Indicador de la protección |
Indicateur de puissance |
| Indicateur de la protection |
| 2 |
Bass Boost