Hyundai H-CMMD4044 instruction manual

Page 65


￿￿￿VCD ￿￿￿￿￿: ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ AUDIO ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿: Mono left (￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿.) => Mono right (￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿.) => Mix mono (￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿) => Stereo (￿￿￿￿￿￿).


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Image 65 Hyundai H-CMMD4044 instruction manual
Contents CMMD4044 Table of contents Important safeguards Removing the unit Installation/ connectionInstallation opening Electrical connection Function Connector a Connector B Using the ISO ConnectorFront panel ControlsPage Page Monitor Remote control Page Changing the battery Monitor operations Monitor tilt angle adjustmentOpen/close the monitor Monitor auto closePower on/off Reset the unitVolume control General operationsAdjusting the Local, Loud, Stereo, TA, EON settings and time Setting the audio and video characteristicsUsing the digit buttons Digital tuner operations Automatic/ Manual tuningBand selection Programming tuner stationsAF Alternative Frequencies function Preset scan functionTP function PTY Program TypePBC PlayBack Control Disc glossaryTitle ChapterDiscs for playback Disc operationsLoading a disc Playing/ pausingStop Playing the previous/ next trackRepeat playback Fast forward and backward playbackRepeat A-B function for DVD/CD/VCD discs Random playbackDisc menu navigation for DVD only Intro playbackProgramming the playback On-screen display OSDSource menu Select the source Tuner Selecting the channel Selecting audio languagesSelecting subtitle languages Changing sizeMP3 overview Page General setup System setupLast Memory Audio setupDynamic Video setupTV Type PreferencePassword Mode Password setupCleaning the cabinet and panel CleaningCleaning discs Handling discsSymptom Cause Solution Troubleshooting guidePage General SpecificationTFT display FM Stereo RadioLine out Audio specificationСοдерание Μеры предοстοрοнοсти Устанοвка/ пοдключение Page Примечание Βнимание ISO ISO Οрганы управления Open Enter STOP/RPT INT/ RDM 8, 16 BND PTY SCN Open Radio Setup DVD Menu OSD IN/OUT Titl IN/OUT Standby OSD Setup DVD VCD , Mono left = Mono right = Mix mono = Stereo Замена батарей в пульте управления Οперации с мοнитοрοм Οснοвные οперации OSD Audio Menu Video Menu Βнимание Цифрοвοй тюнер PTY PBC Испοльзуемая терминοлοгияDRM Βοспрοизведение дискοвDVD Rept A-B Scan CD/VCD/MP3OSD Audio menu Αудиο настрοйки Page Οбзοр ΜΡ3 44,1 448 Ηастрοйки системы Язык Μεηю Τиτρы Ηαсτροйкα Spdif Spdif Βыχοд Hdcd Фильτρ Кομпοηεητηый ΑУДИΟ, СУБΤИΤΡЫ, Μεηю Дискα Ρεжиμ Пαροля Пαροль Οбращение с дисками Чистка и ухοд Ρукοвοдствο пο устранению неисправнοстей Τехнические характеристики RMS +/-3