Language Code List
AA | Afar | EU | Basque | KL | Greenlandic | OC | Occitan | ST | Sesotho |
AB | Abkhazian | FA | Persian | KM | Cambodian | OM | (Afan) Oromo | SU | Sundanese |
AF | Afrikaans | FI | Finnish | KN | Kannada | OR | Oriya | SV | Swedish |
AM | Ameharic | FJ | Fiji | KO | Korean (KOR) | PA | Panjabi | SW | Swahili |
AR | Arabic | FO | Faroese | KS | Kashmiri | PL | Polish | TA | Tamil |
AS | Assamese | FY | Frisian | KU | Kurdish | PS | Pashto, Pushto | TE | Telugu |
AY | Aymara | GA | Irish | KY | Kirghiz | PT | Portuguese | TG | Tajik |
AZ | Azerbaijani | GD | Scots Gaelic | LA | Latin | QU | Quechua | TH | Thai |
BA | Bashkir | GL | Galician | LN | Lingala | RM | TI | Tigrinya | |
BE | Byelorussian | GN | Guarani | LO | Laothian | RN | Kirundi | TK | Turkmen |
BG | Bulgarian | GU | Gujarati | LT | Lithuanian | RO | Rumanian | TL | Tagalog |
BH | Bihari | HA | Hausa | LV | Latvian, Lettish | RU | Russian | TN | Setswana |
BI | Bislama | HI | Hindi | MG | Malagasy | RW | Kinyarwanda | TO | Tonga |
BN | Bengali, Bangla | HR | Croatian | MI | Maori | SA | Sanskrit | TR | Turkish |
BO | Tibetan | HU | Hungarian | MK | Macedonian | SD | Sindhi | TS | Tsonga |
BR | Breton | HY | Armenian | ML | Malayalam | SG | Sangho | TT | Tatar |
CA | Catalan | IA | Interlingua | MN | Mongolian | SH | TW | Twi | |
CO | Corsican | IE | Interlingue | MO | Moldavian | SI | Singhalese | UK | Ukrainian |
CS | Czech | IK | Inupiak | MR | Marathi | SK | Slovak | UR | Urdu |
CY | Welsh | IN | Indonesian | MS | Malay (MAY) | SL | Slovenian | UZ | Uzbek |
DA | Danish | IS | Icelandic | MT | Maltese | SM | Samoan | VI | Vietnamese |
DZ | Bhutani | IW | Hebrew | MY | Burmese | SN | Shona | VO | Volapuk |
EL | Greek | JI | Yiddish | NA | Nauru | SO | Somali | WO | Wolof |
EO | Esperanto | JW | Javanese | NE | Nepali | SQ | Albanian | XH | Xhosa |
ET | Estonian | KA | Georgian | NL | Dutch | SR | Serbian | YO | Yoruba |
| KK | Kazakh | NO | Norwegian | SS | Siswati | ZU | Zulu |
Power requirement | : AC 110 V – 220 V | , 50 Hz/60 Hz |
Power consumption |
Power on | : 25 W |
Power off | : 4.0 W |
Temperature |
Operating | : 5°C to 40°C (41°F to 104°F) | |
Storage | : | |
Operating position | : Horizontal only |
Dimensions (WxHxD) : 435 mm x 93 mm x 272 mm | ||
Weight | : 4.1 kg |
Format | : VHS NTSC standard |
Maximum recording time |
| |
(SP) | : 210 min. with | |
(EP) | : 630 min. with |
Signal system | : NTSC color signal and EIA |
| monochrome signal, 525 lines/60 fields |
Recording system | : DA4 (Double Azimuth) head helical |
| scan system |
: 45 dB | |
Horizontal resolution | : 230 lines |
Frequency range | : 70 Hz to 10,000 Hz (Normal audio) |
| 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz |
Input/Output | : RCA connectors: |
| IN x 1, OUT x 1 |
S/N Ratio | : 90 dB |
Harmonic distortion | : 0.1% |
Wow and flutter | : Below Measurable Level |
Dynamic range | : 90 dB |
Output |
: (RCA) 1.0 | |
| : (RCA) 0.7 |
Audio | : (RCA) 2 Vrms, 1 Kohm |
Digital Audio | : (COAXIAL) 0.5 |
Tuning system | : Frequency synthesized tuner |
Channel coverage |
VHF | : Channels 2 – 13 |
UHF | : Channels 14 – 69 |
CATV | : 113 Channels |
RF output | : Channel 3 or 4 (switchable; preset to |
| Channel 3 when shipped) |
| 75 ohms, unbalanced |
Clock reference | : Quartz |
Program capacity | : |
| 8 programs |
Signal system | : NTSC |
Applicable disc | : DVD (12 cm, 8 cm) |
| CD (12 cm, 8 cm) |
Audio characteristics |
DVD | : 4 Hz – 22 KHz |
Frequency response |
CD | : 4 Hz – 20 KHz |
Specifications shown are for SP mode unless otherwise specified.
E.& O.E. Design and specifications subject to change without notice.