sRGB(Standard RGB)
"International Standard for Red, Green, and Blue color space" A color space was defined with the aim of the color matching between applications and hardware devices, such as monitors, scanners, printers and digital cameras. As a standard default space, sRGB allows Internet users to closely match colors.
Color Temperature is a method to measure the white color tone, generally indicated in degrees Kelvin. At high temperatures the white tone appears somewhat blue, while at lower temperatures it appears somewhat red. Computer monitors generally give best performance at high temperature settings.
5000 K: Slightly reddish white.
6500 K:
9300 K: Slightly bluish white.
TMDS(Transition Minimized Differential Signaling)
A signal transition method for the digital interface.
(Video Electronics Standards Association - Display Power Management Signaling)
The acronym VESA stands for "Video Electronics Standards Association", and DPMS stands for "Display Power Management Signaling". DPMS is a communication standard that PCs and graphics boards use to implement power savings on the monitor side.