This device supports as many subdirec- tories as your burner software can cre- ate despite the fact that the maximum directory depth defined by the ISO 9660 standard is only 8.
| D |
D01 |
| |
| i | |
| r |
| e |
| D02 |
| c |
| t | |
| o |
| r |
| i |
| D03 | D04 | e | |
| s | |||
●When naming directories and tracks/files you should avoid using accents and special characters. You can use a maximum of 32 characters (including the “.MP3” file extension) for track names and di- rectory names.
T001 T001
T002 T002
T003 T003
T004 T004
T005 T005
T001 T006
T002 T007
T003 T008
T004 T009
T005 T010
T006 T011
c k s
i l e s
JYou can name each directory using a | This device can only play MP3 files that | |
have the “.MP3” file extension. | ||
PC. The device is capable of displaying | Note: | |
the directory name. Name the directo- | ||
To ensure uninterrupted playback, | ||
ries and tracks/files using your CD burn- | ||
● do not try changing the file exten- | ||
er software. The software’s instruction | ||
manual will provide details on how to | sion to “.MP3” of any files other | |
do this. | than MP3 files and then attempt to | |
| play them! (The device will ignore | |
| these invalid files during playback.) |