SoundMax SM-CMD3004 instruction manual Retune

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Retune L: ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿, ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ TA SEEK 90 ￿￿￿￿￿￿.

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Contents SM-CMD3004 Table of contents Important safeguards Before the installation Installation/ConnectionsPage Electrical connections Speaker Wiring NotesUsing the ISO Connector Front panel Panel controlsPage Changing the battery Remote controlPBC PlayBack Control GlossaryFully compatible FeaturesDVD Video Compatible discsCD-R/CD-RW Discs for playbackUSB/SD/MMC notes General operation Radio Operations Automatic Store/Preset Scan Save Your Preset StationsTA Traffic Alarm function AF Alternative Frequencies functionST/PROG Retune S/L SHORT/LONG DVD operations Page Photo mode Audio modeVideo mode Mixed-disc operationPicture of playlist menu Back to the menuInsert/Eject CD VCD/CD operationMulti-Session CD Reading Audio SelectionElectronic Shock Protection Other operationsID3 Tag USB/SD InputVideo Output Backup Camera InputRCA Output Subwoofer OutputSystem setup System setupTV system Video output modeScreen saver Setting password Setting TV typeSetting rating Load default Language setupSetting the on-screen display language Setting the subtitle language Setting the audio languageSetting the menu language Setting volume Audio setupDigital output Brightness Video setupContrast HueOutput mode Digital setupSaturation SharpnessDual mono Dynamic rangeAnti-theft system Install the panelRemoving the panel Remove the unitCleaning the cabinet CleaningCleaning discs Handling discsTroubleshooting guide General SpecificationDVD VCD/CD Дтт Дт д т д т. DVD дт тт Page Page ISO Page Eject Reset Page CR 2025 3, + PBC Screen Saver Icture CD, Photo CDDVD Video Дд т дVCD2.0 VCD1.1DVD+/-R Photo-CDUSB/ SD/ MMC Mute ModePage Page PTY TA SEEK/TA ALARM, MASK, RETUNE, BEEP, PI Retune DVD Page Page STOP/RETURN Random VCD/CDAUX ID3RCA Setup Enter INTERLACE-YUV 43 PS 43 LB 169 0000 DVD DVD SPDIF/ RAW SPDIF/ PCM Ттт Line OUT RF Remod Line out Full, , Off Power Eject Page Дт т т Тт гт т д-гтт Дтг д. гт т DVD