6DYHG allows you to save your incoming messages. All saved, read messages are kept here.
When you receive a text message
Text messages are shown in the order that they were received, in their order of priority.
0HVVDJH UHFHLYHG indicates an unread message or page. If more than one message exists, the number of received messages will be listed first.
1HZ HPHUJHQF\ PHVVDJH indicates that the message or page received was sent by someone via the service provider. Emergency messages are sent only in situations where life and/or property are in immediate danger. Emergency messages are listed first and will override all other messages.
8UJHQW messages are also high priority messages.
Reading text messages
With 0HVVDJH UHFHLYHG displayed,
1)Press 5HDG and scroll to new message
2)Press 5HDG again
The ‘Options’ soft key
Press 2SWLRQV while a text message is displayed to access the following reading options.
1)Press 2SWLRQV
2)Press W to the option you want (see below)
3)Press 2.
Reading options
When you open a message and read it, you’ll have access to a list of options.
5HDG QH[W allows you to read the next message. (UDVH will erase the message.