5 • Text or number entry
Text can be entered in editing screens in two different ways: by using T9® predictive Text Input, or basic text input. Two other modes for numbers and punctuation marks, are also available. Icons appearing on the screen show the active text mode.
T9® text Input
What is it?
T9® predictive Text Input is an intelli- gent editing mode for messages, includ- ing a comprehensive dictionary. It
Tegic Euro. Pat. allows you to quickly enter text. Press App. 0842463 only once on the key corresponding to
each letter needed to spell a word: key- strokes input are analysed and the word suggested by T9® is displayed in the edit screen. If several words are available according to the keys used, the word you en- tered is highlighted: press 0to browse the list and to choose from those proposed by the T9® built-in dic- tionary (see example below).
Text or number entry
How to use it?
Alphabets and symbols represented by each key are as follows:
2to9To key in letters.
0Short press to browse the list of candi- date words, long press to browse back.
1To confirm entry.
cShort press to clear one entry, long press to clear all text.
#Shift from standard, to lower, to upper case.
*Shift from basic mode, to numeric or to punctuation typing mode.
Example: how to enter the word «home»:
1.Press 4663The screen displays the first word of a list: Good.
2.Press 0to scroll and select Home.
3.You can press either 1or ,to confirm selection of the word Home. Pressing>also confirms selection of the word and inserts a space, ready for the next word of your message.