Motorola StarTAC 85 Roaming and System Operation, R v i c e a r e a, A k S i g n a l a l e r t

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There are generally two types of cellular systems serving any met- ropolitan area. One of these will most likely be operated by the telephone company that provides telephone service to your com- munity, generally referred to as a wireline carrier. The other Cellular Service Provider is a radio common carrier, referred to as a non-wireline carrier.

Your Cellular Service Operator will provide information concern- ing specific features, procedures, and coverage in your particular area.

S e r v i c e A r e a

The area within which the telephone operates is defined by your Cellular Service Provider. Since this is a radio system, no exact boundaries (as on a map) can be drawn. The red NS (No Service) lights if you are beyond range of a service area. There may be locations within your area, such as tunnels and underground parking facilities where the unit may act as if it were beyond range.

W e a k S i g n a l A l e r t

If you are called while in a location the system determines is inadequate for high quality service, you may hear a series of beeps to inform you of the call attempt. The caller will receive the recorded Not in Servicemessage, CALLappears in the display, and the green on indicator flashes quickly. If this occurs, you must press Ç before the unit will operate. Most systems do not impose air-time charges for such call attempts. This feature is usually turned off.

NOTE: This indicator is controlled through the initial programming of your phone. Refer to the Programming Guide for more details.

R o a m i n g

The term Roamingapplies to the use of cellular telephones within sys- tems other than those designated as their Homesystem. RM (Roam) lights whenever the unit comes within range of a visited system. As your phone begins to roam, it seeks service according to the conditions you have selected.

Slow flashing of RM (Roam) signals that your phone unit is accessing a home type system, while rapid flashing indicated the unit is attempting connection through a non-home type system.



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Contents Cellular Telephone Welcome Table of Contents Timers FeaturesRoaming and System Operation Security FeaturesAccessories Efficient Phone Operation General Safety InformationExposure to Radio Frequency Energy Aircraft Antenna Care and ReplacementDriving Electronic DevicesBlasting Areas ChildrenIntroduction Phone Overview 888Function Keys EarpieceE p a r i n g B a t t e r y f o r I n i t i a l U s e Getting StartedBattery Attachment I c k C h a n g e M e t h o d Message Explanation Basic OperationStart-up Self Tests If no key is pressed within 8 seconds Status Indicators Explanation IU In Use IndicatorNS No Service Indicator RM Roam Indicator´ and dial the call again Busy signal Called party’s line is busyIf Entering More Than 10 Digits Unsuccessful Call AttemptsG n a l S t r e n g t h M e t e r T o m a t i c R e d i a l i n gW B a t t e r y W a r n i n g Weak Signal Strong SignalT i n g M i c r o p h o n e While in a call, press Ï, fl L u m i n a t e d K e y p a d Wireline type with phone numberO S y s t e m O p e r a t i o n System Type and Phone NumberDisplayPlayed to confirm storage Memory Basic OperationMemory T e n n a S y s t e mMemory Memory P e r S p e e d D i a l i n g Repeat this sequence for as many groups as you wish up to a N e D i a l i n g T w o P a r t C a l l i n gInstruction and Key Sequence 88Co22CA c i n g a L i n k e d C a l l VoX OFF FeaturesMultiple Key Answer Automatic Lock AvToLocKOFF Emergency DialingPress ⁄ · to sample the different ringer styles S t i n c t i v e R i n g e rL t i p l e K e y a n s w e r Use Ç to turn feature on or off T o m a t i c L o c kX O p e r a t i o n E T o u c h E m e r g e n c y D i a l i n gN code a c t i v a t i o n M i n d e r B e e p s Available in some models onlyPress Ï, ⁄ Scroll with the and £ keys until you get to Press Í D i v i d u a l C a l l T i m e r To Display Press ‰, £, £ TimersONEMiN Tmron To Unlock Enter your three-digit unlock code Security FeaturesSecurity Features Nickel Metal Hydride Batteries AccessoriesDescription Display T t e r i e sA r g e r s AC Charger/Transformer Nickel Cadmium BatteriesAlkaline Batteries IntelliCharge XT Rapid Charger Battery Type Hours to 90% CapacityOvernight Dual Charger IntelliCharge XT Charger Rates Battery Type Quick Change Method T r a S a v e rStandard Method Headset A v e l C h a r g e rS c e l l a n e o u s a c c e s s o r i e s Carry Case CELLect Pcmcia or Pocket Modems Portable Cellular Connection InterfaceCompaq Direct Connect A m i n g Roaming and System OperationR v i c e a r e a A k S i g n a l a l e r tScan Standard ModeInvert Preference Mode A n g i n g S y s t e m T y p e Home Only ModeScan a Mode Scan B ModeC a n Before Calling for Service Shows incoming call, Call in Absence, or Weak Signal AlertSystem Type Selection default setting Message GlossaryLow Battery Emergency Dialing featureNo Restrictions standard setting Autolockoff Automatic Lock featureVOXMODE REMiND MsgonSystem BvSY System Busy VOXIndex Index Index Index Index Patent Information Quick Reference Section Adjust VolumePage Page 68P09396A92-A