6When you finish entering the message text, press A.
7Press qZto scroll to Normal, Urgent, or Emergency priority.
8Press Ato select the priority and send the message. Your phone:
•sends the message and briefly displays the message
Sending Message
•saves a copy of the message to the Outbox
•exits the Message Center
Sending a Message from the Phone Book
To send a text message from your Phone Book:
1Enter the Phone Book, and select the entry to receive the message. (See “Managing the Phone Book” on page 29.)
2Press Àto enter the Message Center.
If the current phone book entry does NOT have an attached email address, you see Enter Msg:.
If the current phone book entry has an attached email address, press qZto scroll to Send to a Mobile or Send as Email, and press Ato select.
3Enter a new text message.
4When you have finished entering the message, press A.
5Press qZto scroll to Normal, Urgent, or Emergency priority.
6Press Ato select the priority and send the message. Your phone:
•sends the message and briefly displays the message
Sending Message
•saves a copy of the message to the Outbox
•exits the Message Center
English | 66 Using the Message Center |