22 | Address and phone books |
Address and phone books | 23 |
Phone books
Barred numbers
In this phone book you can store numbers that it should not be pos- sible to call from the phone.
To activate/deactivate barred dial- ing, see under Security in the setup menu on p. 73.
Prefix phone numbers
In prefix numbers the first digits in the number are the prefix (the same for e.g. the whole company), and the last digits are related to a specific person or office.
If you want to store the prefix part of such a phone number in your phone book, this is done in exactly the same way as when you store a normal phone number in your phone book. Only, instead of each of the additional digits that vary from time to time, you enter a »?«. This is done by holding down the key for approx. 2 seconds.
If you want to call a prefix num- ber you must enter the digits to replace the “?” after having
pressed »OK« (see in the next column).
Finding an entry in your
address and phone books
Go to the address and phone book entry list: .
Scroll through entries: and
Press »SELECT« to access a group.
Having found the desired name: Press »DETAIL« to see the numbers stored.
Calling a number:
Select »OPTION«, »Call« and press »OK«
Hold down »DETAIL« or
Just press the relevant speed dial number (1=Home, 2=Office, etc).
Facts & Tips
Both address and phone books
•Calling Line Identification (CLI) is a network feature which displays the caller’s phone number in your phone's display. If the caller is one of the entries stored in your phone book, his/her name will appear in your dis- play.
•When storing a phone number start entering it with a “+” (hold down for one second) followed by the national country code, and you can use your phone abroad without worrying about international codes.
•In the Call setup menu you can acti- vate the speed dial function enabling you to call a number by pressing only one key.
•Use the side key for quick scrolling through your address and phone book entries. Each keypress brings you to the first entry beginning with the next letter in the alphabet. Of course, you can also use the arrow keys to scroll from one entry to the next.
Address book only
•Entries stored in the address book
are marked by
•The number of entries that can be stored in your address book depends on the length of the entries.
•The address book is located in the internal memory of the phone and consequently you will not have access to it if you use your SIM card in another telephone.
•You can also synchronize your address book with the address book in Microsoft Outlook on a PC by means of the enclosed
Phone books only
•Remember that indicates that the option depends on your SIM card and therefore may not be available.
•Entries stored in the phone books on your SIM card are marked by a in front of them.
•Phone book entries contain only a name and a phone number.
•The maximum number of entries and the length of phone book entries will depend on the capacity of the SIM card.
•When there is no more memory capacity left in either of the phone books, the option »Add entry« will disappear from the display.
•In order to access fixed and barred numbers you need to have a PUK 2 code from your network operator and to use a PIN 2 code of your own choice.