Phone book
Use your phone book for storing names and telephone numbers. In the table you can see how to find the individual characters on the keypad of your phone.
Using your keypad
Each key of your phone’s keypad
contains a number of characters
which can be seen in this table:
• Press once to get the first charac- |
ter, twice to get the second charac- |
ter, etc. |
• Hold down one of the keys for |
one second to get the option of |
lower case. Just press the key |
Phone book
Prefix phone numbers
Prefix phone numbers are built up in the way that the first digits of the number are prefix (the same for e.g. the whole company), and the last digit(s) is/are related to a spe-
Storing entries
Enter phone number and press .
Enter name and press »OK«.
Select which ringing tone you want for this specific entry by
using and
, and con- firm by pressing »OK«.
The telephone will suggest that the name/number should be stored under the first vacant location num- ber.
Press »OK« to accept the sug- gested number, or press »CLEAR« and enter a location number of your own choice (up to 3 digits).
1 . , ; : ' " ! ¡ ? | ABC2 DEF3É∆ | |
¿ & % @ § | ÆÅÄÇ |
£ $ ¥ ¤ abc2æåäà def3éè | ||
GHI4Γ | JKL5 | MNO6 |
| ØÑÖΩ |
ghi4ì | jkl5 | mno6øñöò |
pqrs7ß tuv8üù | wxyz9 |
*+ 0- ~ / \ ( )[]
{} = < >^_ Space 
again for one second to return to |
upper case. |
• Press # to get a space between |
two characters. |
• Press »CLEAR« briefly to delete |
one character. |
• Press »CLEAR« for one second |
to delete the entire display. |
cific person or office.
If you want to store the prefix part of such a phone number in your phone book, you do it in exact- ly the same way as you store a nor- mal phone number in your phone book. Only, instead of each of the additional digits that varies from time to time, you enter a ”?”. This is done by holding down the
key for approx. 2 seconds.
Facts & Tips
•Store frequently used phone num- bers in location numbers 1 to 9 so that you only need to press one key to speed dial them (see p. 38).
•If you choose a location number that is occupied, the phone will give you the option of overwriting the existing entry or pressing »EXIT« to see the suggested location number again.
•Enter the phone number with the help of "+" followed by the national code so you can use your phone book abroad without having to think about international codes.
•The ringing tone that you select for a phone number in your phone book, will be the ringing tone you hear if a person is calling you from this phone number.
•Calling Line Identification is a net- work feature whereby phone numbers of callers to your phone are shown on your phone’s display. If your caller is one of the entries that you have stor- ed in your phone book, then his/her name will appear on your display.