Menu overview
List menu
Outgoing calls
Answered calls
Missed calls
Phone book
Fixed numbers
Barred numbers
Own numbers
Info numbers
Service numbers
Phone book
Complete survey of keypad functions
and display symbols at pp.
Setup menu
Games |
| Sheriff McAllen | ||
| ||||
Stopwatch | Echo Man | ||||||||||||
Black Jack | |||||||||||||
| ||
Clock |
| Display time | ||
| |||||
| Set time | |
| ||
Network services |
| Call divert | |||||||
| |||||||||||
| Call barring | |
| Call waiting | |
| Outgoing call ID | |
| Line selection | |
Phone setup |
| Language | |||||||
| |||||||||
| Network selection | |
| Tones | |
| Dial mode | |
| Greeting | |
| Factory settings | |
Phone book setup |
| Fixed dialling | |||||||||
| ||||||||||||
| Barred dialling | |
| Delete call information | |
Message setup |
| Send SMS setup | |||||||||
| ||||||||||||
| Broadcast setup | |
Timers and charge |
| Last call | ||||||||||
| |||||||||||||
| Total calls | |
| Reset timers and charge | |
| Show timer and credit | |
| Call charge | |
Security |
| PIN code on/off | ||||||||||
| |||||||||||||
| Change PIN code | |
| Change PIN2 code | |
| Change network password | |
| SIM lock | |
| Encryption indication | |
| Line lock |
Siemens service
Abu Dhabi | Siemens Service Center 02713500 | Lebanon . . . . | F.A. Kettaneh | . . . 01443043 |
| |
Australia | . Siemens | . 1800622414 | Lithuania . . . | Siemens | . . 822391555 |
Austria. . . | . Siemens | . 0517075004 | Luxembourg . Siemens | . . . 43843399 |
| |
Bangladesh Siemens | . . 017527447 | Malaysia . . . | Siemens | . . 037514974 |
| |
Belgium . . | . Siemens | . . 078152221 | Marocco . . . . | SETEL S.A | . . . . 2352409 |
Brunei . . . | . incomm | . . . . . . 02151 | Mauritius . . . | Ireland Blyth | . . . . 2116213 |
Bulgaria . . | . Omnitel | . . . 02739488 | Netherlands . Siemens | . 0703333100 |
| |
China . . . . | . Siemens | 02150318149 | Norway . . . . | Siemens | . . . 22633314 |
Croatia. . . | . Siemens | . . 016105381 | Oman | Siemens Service Center . 791012 |
| |
Czech Rep.. Siemens | . 0233032727 | Pakistan . . . . | Siemens | . 0215673565 |
| |
Denmark . | . Siemens | . . . 35258600 | Philippines . . | Siemens | . . . 28149888 |
Dubai . . . | . Siemens Service Center 04699720 | Poland | Siemens | . 0800220990 |
| |
Egypt . . . . | . Siemens | . . . 23313129 | Portugal . . . . | Siemens | . . 014178393 |
Finland. . . | . Siemens | . . 092294370 | Russia | Siemens | 80957371801 |
France . . . | . Siemens | . 0156384200 | Saudi Arabia . Siemens | . . 026655058 |
| |
Germany . | . Siemens | 01805333226 | Singapore. . . | Siemens | . . . . 8454818 |
Greece. . . | . Siemens | . . 016864389 | Slovak Rep. . | Siemens | . 0759682266 |
Hong Kong. Siemens | . . . 22583636 | Slovenia . . . . | Siemens | . 0611746336 |
| |
Hungary. . | . Siemens | . 0614712444 | South Africa . Siemens | . 0800114050 |
| |
Iceland. . . | . Smith & Norland . . . | . . . . 5113000 | Spain | Siemens | . . 902115061 |
India . . . . | . Siemens | . . 116923988 | Sweden . . . . | Siemens | . . 087509911 |
| (ISDN) 116925589 | Switzerland . Siemens | . . 012120090 |
| ||
Indonesia. | . Dian Graha Elektr. . . | . 0214615081 | Taiwan | Siemens | . 0225186504 |
Ireland . . . | . Siemens | . 1850777277 | Thailand . . . . | Siemens | . . . 26791777 |
Italy | . Siemens | . 0269893691 | Turkey | SIMKO | 02122528835 |
Jordan . . . | . F.A. Kettaneh | . . 079559663 | United Kingd. Siemens | . 0990334411 |
| |
Kuwait . . . | . NGEECO | . . . . 4818749 | Vietnam . . . . | Opticom | . . 090456789 | Internet: |
Latvia. . . . | . Siemens | . . . . 7501114 |
| http://www.siemens.com/cd.service |