1. Scheduler
Allows you to conveniently keep and access your agenda(s). Simply store your appointments and your phone will alert you with a reminder of your appointment.
1.Press ,
2.Use to highlight the scheduled day.
Moves cursor to the left.
Moves cursor to the right.
Moves to the previous week.
Moves to the next week.
3.Press Left Soft Key Add.
4.Enter your schedule information including:
●Time Press to set specific time or press
Right Soft Key All Day.
●Recurring event
None/ Daily/
●When to ring the alarm reminder
On time/ 5 minutes/ 10 minutes/ 1 hour/ 1 day/ 2 days/ None
●Which ring alarm to sound Alert 1~Alert 10
Tone 1~Tone 10
5.Press Left Soft Key Save.
When you exit without saving, you're asked to select Return to Edit/ Save and Exit/ Exit in a pop up message.
Scheduler will not alert you during a call or during SMS transmission. It will sound the reminder after you exit a call.
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