Problem - Situation
The phone does not turn on
No network recognised
Calls to a messaging service or voice server do not get through
Unable to turn the phone on
Error message:
Error message: LOW BATTERY
Remove the battery and then replace it.
Connect the phone to the charger (check that this is plugged in) for approximately 5 minutes.
Remove the SIM card. Check that there is no dust or grit in the SIM slot. Replace the SIM card being sure to push it right up to the stop point.
Check in the Ringing and beeps/Tones menu that the box is ticked.
Charge the phone for 15 minutes before turning it on.
Check the battery charging indicator: cycling: charging normally
not cycling: disconnect the charger,
then check the battery charging indicator: if it is still not cycling, disconnect the charger and
If the battery is still not charging, contact the after sales service.
When the battery charging indicator is continuously on, the battery is fully charged.
The battery pack is not recognised by the phone. Check that the battery pack is correctly fitted in the phone.
This message is displayed when the battery charge is too low. The phone turns off automatically. Charge the phone.
23/09/2003, 16:30