call Phone number lists Getting started
Info broadcast (1-3)
Certain service providers offer an informa- tion service (broadcast), e.g. local dialling codes, traffic information, weather forecast, events and other local information services.
The following options for handling broad- casts are available:
–Status (1-3-1)
You can switch broadcasting on or off.
To receive info broadcasts, you need a special list of info broadcast channel numbers from your service provider. You can enter these numbers in your list to re- ceive the desired information.
–Set Language (1-3-3)
You may select the language(s) for dis- played broadcasts. This setting is differ- ent from the general language settings of the mobile phone. Only information in the selected language(s) will be dis- played.
During a
Switch info broadcast on/off (1-3-1)
Information broadcasts related to the acti- vated topics are sent to you automatically at specific intervals when broadcasting is switched on.
To switch broadcasting on/off:
Select Messages > Info Broadcast >Status The current setting (On or Off) is dis- played
Press Change
Press Save
Handling info broadcast topics (1-3-2)
Security settings SMS/Broadcast
Insert a topic
Ask your service provider for the available topics.
Select Messages > Info Broadcast > Topic
The topic list is displayed
Press Options
Select Insert
Enter the topic number
Press Next
Enter the topic name
Press Save
Select/deselect a topic (1-3-2)
To receive information about a topic, you have to select the topic by marking it in the topic list.
Select Messages > Info Broadcast > Topic
The topic list is displayed
Scroll to the topic to select
Press Options
Select Mark or Unmark