Numbers for voice, fax and data (7-2-4)
If you have obtained more than one mobile phone number from your service provider and the SIM card supports this, you can store different mobile phone numbers for voice, data and fax calls on the SIM card as a re- minder.
To store numbers for services:
Select Menu > Settings > Phone >
Own Number > Voice or Fax or Data
Enter the number
Press Save
Cost settings (7-3-7)
To keep control over your call costs, you may set a charge rate, i.e. an amount of money (in some currency) per call unit, and an accu- mulated call cost limit (expressed as a num- ber of call units or as an amount of money). Furthermore, you may select whether or not the cost will be displayed at the end of a call.
You can make charge settings for:
–Charge Rate (7-3-7-1)
You can choose to display cost just in number of units in a currency. If you want to display cost in currency you need to enter a charge rate per unit.
–Cost limit (7-3-7-2)
You can define a cost limit; the mobile phone will suspend service when the cost limit is reached.
–Cost displayed (7-3-7-3)
Cost information will be displayed after finishing a call. This function depends on the functionality of the network and can be switched off or on.
You may also display cost statistics and the amount of remaining credit; see page 49.
Set charge rate for calls
Select Menu > Settings > Call > Cost > Charge Rate
The current setting is displayed
Press Change Enter PIN2
Press OK
Select the currency
Enter the currency symbol Press Next
Enter the desired charge rate per unit For the decimal point use the *
Press Save
Set cost limit
Select Settings > Call > Cost > Cost Limit The current setting is displayed
Press Change
Enter PIN2
Press OK
Enter the desired cost limit
Press Save
Switch display of cost on/off
Select Settings > Call > Cost >
Cost Displayed
The current setting is displayed
Press Change
Press Save
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