7.8.3 Call back requests
If you do not receive an answer to an individual call, you can send the respective person a call back request.
If you receive a call back request from another person, the message “call back request received” appears in the initial display. If the call back request comes from a person who is not in your address book, you can save the name in your address book.
Sending a call back request
You can send the following types of call back requests:
•To send a call back request from the address book in the
•To send a call back request from the address book, scroll to the desired entry. Then select Option > Entry details, scroll to the PTT address and select the Option > Send call back request..
•To send a call back request from the group list of the PTT menu, select Group list and scroll to the desired group. Select Option > Active parti- cipants, scroll to the desired entry and select the Option > Send call back request..
•To send a call back request from the list of call back requests, select List of participants in the
Answering a call back request
1.To open the call back requests, select Show. The list of the nick- names of the persons from whom you received call back requests is displayed.
2.To make an individual call, press the PTT button.
3.To send a call back request to the sender, select Option > Send call back request..
Select Delete to delete the call back request.
7.8.4 Setting up groups
When you initiate a group call, you can be heard by all of the members of the group at the same time. Each group member is identified by a nick- name, which is displayed as the caller identification. Group members can select a specific nickname for each group.