When you can’t answer the phone or don’t want to be interrupted, the Omnipoint Call Forwarding feature sends incoming calls to another number.
If you don’t answer a call, or your handset is turned off or out of the Omnipoint coverage area, Call Forwarding is preset to direct calls to your Answering Machine automatically.
You can change your Call Forwarding setting to send calls to any number you want. (Note: you must include 1 and the area code when specifying a number).
Call Forwarding can also be programmed to forward calls in various ways:
•Forward All Calls.
•Forward if “On Busy” (when you’re on a call).
•Forward if “No Reply” (when your handset rings, but you don’t answer).
•Forward if “Unreachable” (when your handset is off or out of Omnipoint’s coverage area).
You can change your Call Forwarding settings at any time. For example, if you don’t want to be interrupted by a call, but you still want to be able to receive pages, Answering Machine notifications, and short
Here’s how:
>Use the CDkeys to scroll to the FORWARD Menu, then press F. The first function displayed on the screen is “ALL CALLS.”
>Press F.
>Use the CDkeys to scroll to the “Activate” setting.
>Press F.
>You’ll see the message “ENTER NO.” on your display. Enter 1plus your area code and the first 3 digits of your Omnipoint phone number, plus MAIL (6245). This will forward all your calls to your Answering Machine. (Example:
>Press F. The words “PLEASE WAIT” will appear on your display. After a few seconds, “FORWARD ON” will appear on your display. (Note: when you’re forwarding calls, an CDsymbol appears on the bottom left corner of your screen. Your handset will not ring until you cancel “FORWARD ALL CALLS.”)
To Cancel “Forward All Calls.”
While in the FORWARD Menu, use the CDkeys to select “CANCEL ALL.”
Press F. The message “PLEASE WAIT” will appear on your display. After a few seconds, you’ll see a message that Call Forwarding has been canceled.
(For more information, see your Ericsson User’s Manual.)
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