GameShark UG 2/20/03 3:57 PM Page 7
1.If you want to edit a Cheat Code, simply use the
2.Highlight the Cheat Code you wish to edit and press the “SQUARE” button.
3.Using the virtual keyboard as before edit the Cheat Code as you wish. When you are happy with the changes you have made press the “START” button.
4.You will return to the “Cheat Code” screen.
5.Press the “START” button again. You will be asked if you wish to “Overwrite cheats?” Press “CROSS” to save the changes you have made.
6.If you don’t want to save the changes you have made press the “TRIANGLE” button.
Top Tip: The Help bar is always displayed at the bottom of the screen.
i) Deleting a Game Name, Cheat Description or Cheat Code
You can only delete a Game Name, Cheat Description or Cheat Code that you have added yourself (these are purple). The Game Names, Cheat Descriptions or Cheat Codes that are built in to the GameShark® 2 V3 cannot be deleted. It is simple to delete a Game Name, Cheat Description or Cheat Code.
1.Simply highlight the Game Name, Cheat Description or Cheat Code you wish to delete and press the “TRIANGLE” button. You will be asked to confirm this action.
Please think carefully before deleting a Game Name, as you will also lose all the codes associated with it.
6) Obtaining New Codes
There are several ways to get new codes and keep your GameShark® 2 V3
Web Site – Visit www.gameshark.com for all the latest GameShark® 2 V3 codes plus news, previews, reviews, discussion boards, technical support and much more. You can even buy Mad Catz products online from the 100% secure GameShark Shop.
Magazines – Several top PlayStation® 2 magazines print codes for GameShark® 2 V3.
Top Tip: We only guarantee GameShark® 2 V3 codes that are obtained from the sources listed above. Codes designed for other devices are not guaranteed to work with GameShark® 2 V3. Similarly, GameShark® 2 V2 codes will NOT function with any other device.
7) GameShark Memory Manager and Game Saves
GameShark® 2 V3’s Memory Manager feature expands the capabilities of your PlayStation® 2 memory cards, allowing you to fit up to 7 times more data onto each memory card! This powerful management utility allows you to copy, zip (compress), delete,
The Game Saves section includes over 250 Game saves taken from over 67 various games, giving you another way to beat your game. You can use the GameShark Memory Manager to utilize these saves to the best of your advantage!
a) Game Saves
Select the GameShark Memory Manager/ Game Saves option from GameShark® 2 V3’s Main Menu. The Memory Manager/ Game Saves screen will now appear. It looks like this-