GameShark UG 2/20/03 3:57 PM Page 4
On the Main Menu screen you will also see the number of games/codes available on your GameShark® 2 V3. These numbers will increase accordingly every time you add new codes to your GameShark® 2 V3 and save them to Memory card.
If you are on the Main Menu screen and you do not touch your controller for 10 seconds, it will automatically “rain” on the screen for 5 seconds, then stop. This is repeated whenever you leave your controller.
You can create shapes and ripples in the “water” background of the Main menu. Simply press and hold the L3 button (Left analogue stick) and move it around. You will notice a small dot moves around the screen making shapes.
You can also make it “rain” in the background by pressing and holding R3 (right analogue stick)
4) Start Game
When you select this option from the Main Menu you will be prompted to insert the game disc. Press “CROSS” if you wish to start the game or “TRIANGLE” to cancel this selection and return to the Main Menu.
5) Select Game
This option takes you to the “Select Game” screen, which contains the list of all game titles supported by the GameShark® 2 V3.
All titles in your library are listed alphabetically. Your code library is completely customizable – in this manual you’ll learn how to add, edit and delete game titles and codes to form your own unique collection of game cheat codes.
Use the
Press “RIGHT” on the
Press the “TRIANGLE” button to delete a game that you have added. You cannot delete games that come
Press “SQUARE” to edit a Game name. You can only save changes you have made if you have a PS2 Memory card inserted in Memory card port 1.
Press the “START” button to return to the Main Menu.
Press the “CIRCLE” button to add a new game (see “Adding a Game Title below”).
Top Tip: Press the “Select” button at any time while on the Select Game screen to bring up the Help Menu.
b) Adding a New Game Title
When on the “Select Game” screen press “CIRCLE” to go to the “Add a Game” screen where you will find a vir- tual keyboard. Your Game Name can be up to 25 characters in length.
1.Use the
2.R1 - Emulates the right arrow key on a keyboard.
3.L1 - Emulates the left arrow key on a keyboard.
4.R2 - Emulates the end key of a keyboard (goes directly to the end of the text).
5.L2 - Emulates the home key of a keyboard (goes directly to the beginning of the text).
6.CROSS - Selects the character highlighted.
7.SQUARE - Emulates the space bar function of a keyboard.
8.TRIANGLE - Emulates the delete/backspace key of a keyboard.
9.START – Saves any changes that you have made.
Top Tip: Pressing the “SELECT” button on the PS2® controller will toggle between upper and lower case characters. The Help bar is always displayed at the bottom of the screen.